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Remembering Poppy Richards

We are deeply saddened by the news that our former student Poppy Richards passed away last month and wish to pass on our condolences to her family and friends. Poppy graduated in 2015 and was a much-loved member of the Classics and Ancient History community. She was diagnosed with brain cancer at the end of her second year, and despite ongoing treatment she managed to finish her degree.

Although her health prevented her from ever taking on full time work, she had several part-time jobs and worked as a volunteer for charities including the Princes Trust, Willow and Cats Protection. She also volunteered with her local police. In recent years she put her love of language to good use with various proof reading and editing roles for both charities and academic papers.

Poppy was the first person in the UK to receive some innovative cancer drugs and her treatment was the subject of a number of medical research projects. Sadly, this year, the doctors ran out of options to keep the cancer at bay.

We remember Poppy in particular for her positive outlook on life and her commitment to completing her degree despite her medical treatment. She was a great ambassador for our subject and will be very much missed by all who knew her.

If anyone would like to make a donation in Poppy’s memory, her family have chosen three different small charities that were important to her. Visit -, scroll down a bit to “Make a Donation” then type in Poppy’s name. All three of the charities have completed the necessary HMRC forms so they can claim gift aid.

Mon 17 May 2021, 15:35 | Tags: Show on homepage

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