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New publication by C. Petit on Simon of Genoa

This article on 'Galen's pharmacological concepts and terminology in Simon of Genoa's Clavis sanationis' is accessible open access here.

New Blog on Greek Manuscripts by Caroline Petit

In this blog post, I discuss 'ugly manuscripts' as our essential textual evidence for editing Galen's treatise on simple drugs.

New Publication on Galen

Caroline Petit, 'La tradition latine des Simples de Galien: remarques préliminaires', Medicina nei Secoli N.S. 25-3, 2013, 1063-1090

Ancient Medicine in 'Warwick Knowledge': Dr. Caroline Petit on Nigella seeds...

Tired of conventional medicine? Dr. Caroline Petit tells you everything about nigella seeds, the Vicks inhaler of ancient Greece and modern day Marrakech. Warwick Knowledge, Dec. 4, 2013.

Dr. Caroline Petit is speaking at a workshop on late antique pharmacology in Berlin

Dr. Caroline Petit is speaking in Berlin at a workshop on early Byzantine and Talmudic pharmacology organised by Matteo Martelli and Markham Geller (4-6 Dec. 2013).

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