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Live debate on Democracy and Imperialism with Monash University

On 30th April, 2nd and 3rd year students taking the Democracy and Imperialism module engaged in a live debate via the international portal with Monash University Classics students. They debated three topics: the power of women in Athens, the most democratic space in ancient Athens and the most radical Athenian politician. Students worked in groups to prepare presentations, then rebutt arguments and make further points before a vote was taken on each topic. Many thanks to the IGGY team who were there videoing the debate, with the resulting footage to be used in IGGY outreach events, as well as on the Plaza big screen on University Campus

Ancient Medicine in 'Warwick Knowledge': Dr. Caroline Petit on Nigella seeds...

Tired of conventional medicine? Dr. Caroline Petit tells you everything about nigella seeds, the Vicks inhaler of ancient Greece and modern day Marrakech. Warwick Knowledge, Dec. 4, 2013.

BBC Radio 4: Spin the Globe - Dr Michael Scott

Dr Michael Scott's new series for BBC Radio 4 starts on Tuesday 12th November 4pm. 'Spin the Globe' takes the most famous dates in history and asks what else was happening around the globe apart from the event that has made that date so important. Episode 1: Tuesday 12th November 4pm: 1605 and the Gunpowder plot. Episode 2: Tuesday 19th November 4pm: 1066 and the Battle of Hastings. Episode 3: Tuesday 26th November 4pm: 1914 and the outbreak of WW1. Episode 4: Tuesday 2nd December 4pm: 4/3 BC and the life of Christ.

Hallowe'en special of Classics Wednesday live!

The Classics Wednesday Hallowe'en special is now live and public on IGGY and is also available to view on the Knowledge Centre web pages. See it here.

Wed 30 Oct 2013, 18:07 | Tags: Engagement Impact Show on homepage media

Galen on Radio 4 and in the House of Lords

Galen was the topic of last week's In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg and consequently mentioned in the House of Lords.

Tue 15 Oct 2013, 15:21 | Tags: Faculty of Arts Impact Show on homepage media

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