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New Publication from Clare Rowan

Showing Rome in the Round: The 'Commemorative Medallions of Antoninus Pius', Antichthon 48 (2014), 109-25

Tue 30 Sep 2014, 12:20 | Tags: Publications Research

New publication for the bimillenium of Augustus' death

Alison Cooley has just published an article, 'Die letzten Tage des Augustus', as part of an issue of the popular German archaeological magzaine, Antike Welt, focused upon the bimillenium of the death of Augustus in August AD 14.

New publication by C. Petit on Simon of Genoa

This article on 'Galen's pharmacological concepts and terminology in Simon of Genoa's Clavis sanationis' is accessible open access here.

New Publication on Galen

Caroline Petit, 'La tradition latine des Simples de Galien: remarques préliminaires', Medicina nei Secoli N.S. 25-3, 2013, 1063-1090

New edited book publication: Embodying Value? The Transformation of Objects in and from the Ancient World

(2014) Embodying Value? The Transformation of Objects in and from the Ancient World edited by Annabel Bokern and Clare Rowan. BAR S2592 2014.

Thu 30 Jan 2014, 15:51 | Tags: Publications Research

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