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Classics News and Events

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Material Musings: "The Monarchy and Magic at Nimrud"

New blog post by MA student Emily Porter-Elliot, discussing a relief panel from the Northwest Palace at Nimrud.

Read the post here

Wed 31 Mar 2021, 12:29 | Tags: Engagement Faculty of Arts Postgraduate PGT research

Classics Departmental Bursaries for Post-Graduate Study

Applications are now open for Departmental bursaries towards PG study (Research and Taught) in Classics. The competition is open to all offer-holders at PG level and the deadline for applying is Monday 12 April 2021. Please write a letter of application explaining why you think you deserve a bursary. Applications are ranked on academic merit but we take into account any special circumstances you may have.

New blog - Material Musings

We are pleased to announce a new monthly blog which will feature a variety of subject matter related to material culture from the ancient world. It aims to highlight and showcase some aspects of research work done in the Department of Classics and Ancient History and bring these to a wider audience. We hope that you will find the posts interesting, informative and enjoyable!

Tragedy, the Greeks, and Us - Seminar for launch of new Centre for Research in Post-Kantian European Philosophy

The new Centre will be formally launched on Tuesday 15 October 2019 with a special seminar devoted to Simon Critchley's provocative new publication, The Greeks, Tragedy and Us. Professor Critchley (New School, New York) will talk about his book and reply to responses to it by Andrew Cooper (Philosophy, Warwick) and David Fearn (Classics, Warwick). The seminar will be held in Room S0.11, Social Sciences Building, and will start promptly at 5:30 pm. It will be followed by a Drinks Reception. All Welcome.

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