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Meet the editors of Material Musings

Jacqui Butler, Founder and Editor

I’m a part-time PhD candidate in the Department of Classics & Ancient History. My PhD research focusses on the depiction of specific mythological women across different media in Roman visual art, and particularly in Campanian wall paintings. My interests more broadly are on the lived experience of Roman women, anything related to the Vesuvian sites, and I have a keen interest in life in Roman Britain. I am a Fellow of the Warwick Institute of Engagement and I’m passionate about public engagement and have worked on several outreach projects within the department. I’m also a volunteer tour guide at the British Museum in London and am always enthusiastic to bring the ancient world to life to a wider audience in relatable and meaningful ways.

Dr Matthew Evans, Founder and Editor

I'm a teaching fellow in Greek history in the Department of Classics & Ancient History. My research concerns the archaeology and history of the Aegean during the Hellenistic and Imperial periods. My doctoral thesis focused on the spatial and functional development of gymnasia. Other research interests include the senses in the ancient world, Greek athletics, island communities, and cultural exchange. I am an active archaeologist in Greece and Italy, currently participating in fieldwork at Chios, Samos and Halaesa. I am also passionate about engaging the public with the material culture of the ancient world and ensuring the inclusivity and accessibility of classical research.

Paul Grigsby

Dr Paul Grigsby, Editor

I am a Research Fellow at the University of Warwick where I help run the Warwick Classics Network, the outreach and engagement arm of the Dept of Classics and Ancient History here at Warwick. I organise many of the events we run as a department for schools, both on and off campus, and am heavily involved with student experience, helping students with opportunities to engage with schools and Museums and through projects such as the URSS.

My interests centre on Greek religion and cultural identity, especially in the region of Boeotia in central Greece. My thesis considered Boeotian cultural identity as reflected through their festivals and agonistic contests from the 7th century BC through to the 4th century AD.