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Dr. Micaela Canopoli

Dr. Micaela Canopoli

Research Fellow

Tel: 02476 528493
Email: micaela dot canopoli at warwick dot ac dot uk

Humanities Building, University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL


Micaela Canopoli holds a BA/MA in Archaeological and Historical Sciences of Classical World and the East, and a PhD in Classical Archaeology. She specialises in Classical Archaeology and Greek Religion.

As a student, she was involved in many excavation campaigns in Sardinia (Roman settlement of Sant’Efis), Tunisia (Uchi Maius), Puglia (San Leucio’s Basilica), and Rome (Hadrians Villa).

In 2008 she was a member of the research team for the study of the archaeological remains from the excavations at San Leucio’s Basilica, Canosa di Puglia, and the preparation of the related exhibition. In 2012 she spent a period of research at the University of Oxford with a grant financed by Sapienza University of Rome (Borsa di perfezionamento all’estero).

Since 2017, she was an assistant (cultrice della materia) at the Department of Classics – Sapienza University of Rome and a member of Basilica Julia Project (the Sapienza University of Rome and CNR Ibam).

She joined the University of Warwick in 2019 as a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, conducting a research on Attic sacred landscape under the Romans.

Research interests

Micaela works on classical archaeology and history of art, with a particular focus on the archaeology of ritual, ancient religion, and ritual practice in ancient Attica between the archaic period and Roman time. She is interested in reconstructing the history and rituals of Attica’s sanctuaries and clarifying the relation between cult and communities. Considering the concept of sacred landscape in terms of a combination of testimonies which reflect cultural construction, she studies extensive archaeological and historical data from Attica's sanctuaries in order to document and interpret the different aspects of Attic religion and the major change that took place within the Attic religion scenery following the Roman conquest of Greece.

Selected publications

  • CANOPOLI, Il culto di Artemide in Attica: il materiale votivo negli Inventari Brauronii, in A. RUSSO, F. GUARNIERI (a cura di), Santuari Mediterranei tra Oriente e Occidente. Interazioni e Contatti Culturali, Roma 2016, pp. 513-517.
  • CANOPOLI, La ceramica miniaturistica di S. Leucio, in P. PENSABENE (a cura di), Culti e architettura nell’Italia meridionale. Studi recenti sul santuario di Minerva a Canosa, Scienze dell’Antichità 18, 2012 (2013), pp. 417-427.
  • CANOPOLI, Ceramica Miniaturistica, in P. PENSABENE, A. D’ALESSIO (a cura di), Da Minerva a S. Leucio, parco archeologico e antiquario di S. Leucio a Canosa, Lavello 2009, pp. 104-110.
  • CANOPOLI, Tesoro di argenterie da Hildesheim: piatto per uova, in M. GALLI, G. PISANI SARTORIO (a cura di), Machina. Tecnologia nell’antica Roma, Roma 2009, p. 220.
  • CANOPOLI, Tesoro di argenterie da Hildesheim: coppa con figura di Athena seduta su trono, in M. GALLI, G. PISANI SARTORIO (a cura di), Machina. Tecnologia nell’antica Roma, Roma 2009, pp. 220-221.
  • CANOPOLI, Tesoro di argenterie da Hildesheim, in M. GALLI. G. PISANI SARTORIO (A cura di), Machina. Tecnologia nell’antica Roma, Roma 2009, p. 219.


  • BA/MA (Sapienza University of Rome)
  • PhD (Sapienza University of Rome)

Office hours

by appointment.
