Digital Storytelling
The aim of digital storytelling is to select a short story that has a big message, in order to communicate your research within this module to the wider public, developing the your academic skills in outreach, engagement and impact.
This page is designed to provide you with inspiration and resources in creating your own digital story. If you come across anything else, let me know and I will add it to the list!
Useful Resources
Databases of images
When choosing an image, make sure it that its copyright allows it to be reused in an electronic form (normally under a Creative Commons (CC) licence). The image also needs to be of relatively high resolution (720px or higher). Choosing landscape images (as opposed to portrait) will be easier in terms of there being less editing later on. Below are a selection of museum databases that allow online use of their images for educational purposes:
- American Numismatic Society
- Ancient World Image Bank
- The British Museum
- British Library on Flickr
- Brooklyn Museum (good Ptolemaic collection).
- Getty Museum (images with 'download' sign next to them, Open Content Agreement).
- Manar al-Athar open-access photo-archive (good for sites in the Middle East and Egypt)
- The Metropolitan Museum New York (images labelled OASC)
- NYPL Digital Collections
- Petrie Museum (Ptolemaic Egypt).
- Yale University Art Gallery (images labelled Public domain)
- Portable Antiquities Scheme
- Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
- Statens Museum for Kunst, Denmark.
- University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
- Walters Art Museum
- Wellcome Trust
Make sure you include the figure credits in your video credits at the end! For how to cite the images, please consult the relevant pages of the Museum websites.
Non-ancient images (make sure you note the author, title of photo, and CC licence form):
- Compfight (tip: cick creative commons on the right hand tab. Everything below the line will then be CC).
- the noun project (sign up for a playground account)
- Unsplash (beautiful free images)
- Wikimedia commons
Databases of sound files
Remember, less is more - great stories have been ruined by poor music / sound choices!
- Free music archive (music)
- (sound effects)
- BBC sound effects
Other videos that might inspire.
- Digital stories by Warwick staff and students are available on our Youtube channel.
- Students at Monash University in Australia have already created a series of Digital Stories in conjunction with Museum Victoria. Their website has a lot of useful tools, suggestions and templates. Making History.
- Alexander Mosaic
- Alexander Banquet Tape Leaked
- Alexander Sarcophagus
- British Museum Object Stories
- Classics Video Clips
- The invention of coinage, Lydia, 630 BCE
- Kevin's videos on the departmental Youtube channel
- Roman nursing goddess: the dea nutrix.
- Rome reborn
- The origin of Roman numerals
- Small change, big games
- The Antikythera Mechanism
Aristophanes of Byzantium (Hellie award winner!)