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German 2 for finalists (LL335)


Level:Additionally, students will research, analyse and reflect on cultural contexts, enhancing their cultural knowledge, as well as intercultural and cross-cultural competencies. 

Entry requirements: prior knowledge of German (GCSE level or Language Centre German 1 or equivalent).

Main Objectives:

To enable students to develop competence in a range of language tasks performed in familiar work and social contexts, to extend skills in reading and listening comprehension and to consolidate and extend the knowledge and use of German grammar and syntax. Additionally, students will research, analyse and reflect on cultural contexts, enhancing their cultural knowledge, as well as intercultural and cross-cultural competencies.

Throughout this module, students will be working towards the language level A2 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).



Teaching and Learning:

One weekly blended session for 21 weeks, organised as:

  • Two-hour face-to-face class on campus
  • Four online workshops, each lasting 90 minutes, spread across terms 1 and 2
  • Some independent study will also be set

Students will take part in an online exchange (pilot) with the University of Cologne, Germany.

If health & safety restrictions are required, teaching may move online.

Students are reminded that 1 credit = 10 hours of study, therefore for a 30-credit module, the minimum expected amount of study is 300 hours, which averages over 10 hours per week. A substantial amount of independent study is therefore required. Students can make use of Moodle to facilitate this.


Term 1 : one interim test (10%)

Term 3: one reading/writing test (35%) + one speaking test (40%) + one independent project (15%)

Main Tutor:

Charlotte Annighoefer 

Course Texts (must be bought by student)

Menschen A2 Kursbuch (dreibändige Ausgabe), Charlotte Habersack et al, ISBN: 978-3-19-211902-6

Menschen A2 Arbeitsbuch (dreibändige Ausgabe) Anna Breitsameter, ISBN: 978-3-19-111902-7

Course Description

This module will give students the chance to spend some time learning and reinforcing the basics of the German language. This will offer an opportunity for students not specialising in foreign languages to improve their communicative competence in German as a supplement to their studies in other spheres. For those students intending to travel to Germany, Austria or Switzerland either for study or on work placements, these modules can work as a refresher, and are essential in confidence-building for communicating with native speakers abroad.

Students will furthermore gain a critical understanding of cultural contexts and will improve their analytical and reflective abilities in cross-cultural settings. Autonomous learning and effective resource management will also be fostered.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • apply a basic knowledge of grammar appropriate to the level
  • gain an insight into everyday life in the relevant countries
  • understand the main points in messages and announcements, and understand spoken language in areas of immediate personal relevance
  • understand texts dealing with descriptions of events and feelings, and with job-related language
  • exchange information orally on familiar topics and activities and describe background and immediate needs
  • write simple texts, messages and emails
  • critically analyse and reflect on cultural contexts, demonstrating enhanced intercultural and cross-cultural competencies
  • conduct and present independent research into Germanophone cultures and societies
  • self-monitor and self-regulate their own learning and manage resources.

By the end of the course, students should be able to perform at Level A2 Basic User (waystage) of the Common European Framework.




Activities in class will be supported by authentic written and spoken material focusing on different aspects of life and culture in German-speaking countries. Topics include: talking about cultures, places, events and impressions, home, holidays, food, health, sport and leisure, business, festivals and customs, work, transport, people and places in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


Consolidation and revision of essential basic structures. The use of the perfect tense, cases, prepositions and adjective endings, conjunctions, passive, subjunctive, imperfect and relative clauses.

Subject-specific and transferable skills
  • Written and spoken communication
  • Strategies for understanding gist and specific information
  • Intercultural Awareness, Professionalism, Digital Literacy, Teamwork, Problem-solving
  • This module will allow students to develop strategies for self-directed and autonomous learning, as well as an understanding of diverse cultural contexts and the ability to engage with and communicate on them thoughtfully and respectfully.

The module can count towards the Warwick Award.

The Warwick Award icon - four intersecting circles in turquoise, blue, and grey