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Marking criteria - Reflective Portfolio

Each classification may also be affected by considerations such as;

  • the relevance of the points made.
  • the readability of the reflective commentary produced.
  • the completeness of the reflective commentary produced.
Class Mark Task fulfilment and response
High First 88 An outstanding piece of writing.
Task fulfilled to very high expectations.
Outstanding range of ideas.
Outstanding analysis and reflection demonstrated consistently.
throughout, and fully supported by clear evidence.
Highly relevant, coherent, and persuasive.
Outstanding engagement with the task.
Outstanding awareness of the lexical, grammatical, and cultural features of the language.
First 74 An excellent piece of writing
Task fulfilled to high expectations.
Excellent range of ideas
Excellent analysis and reflection demonstrated consistently throughout and supported by clear evidence.
Relevant, coherent, and persuasive.
Excellent engagement with the task.
Excellent awareness of the lexical, grammatical, and cultural features of the language.
Upper Second 65 A good piece of writing.
A good response to the task.
Good range of ideas.
Good analysis and reflection supported by clear evidence.
Reasonably coherent and effective.
Good engagement with the task.
Good awareness of the lexical, grammatical, and cultural features of the language.
Lower Second 55 A reasonable piece of writing.
Reasonable response to the task but a few elements may not have been addressed or sufficiently developed. Lacks depth.
Essential information may be lacking and/or the piece contains some material that is irrelevant or superficial.
Reasonable analysis but may be rather flat and/or uneven in places, not always supported by evidence.
Some evidence of engagement with the task.
Reasonable awareness of the lexical, grammatical, and cultural features of the language but there are gaps.
Third 45 A poor piece of writing
Key information is missing, unclear and/or inaccurate.
May contain a significant amount of material that is irrelevant or is partially incomplete.
Poor analysis overall.
Lack of supporting evidence.
Little evidence of engagement with the task.
Limited awareness and/or understanding of the lexical, grammatical, and cultural features of the language.
Fail 32 An unsatisfactory piece of writing
Key information is missing and /or inaccurate.
Contains material that is incoherent and/or irrelevant.
Largely inadequate analysis and/or reflection.
Poor or no supporting evidence.
Little evidence of engagement with the task.
Poor structure.
May fall short of the length required.
Fail 0 Work of no merit OR Absent OR Work not submitted OR Penalty in some misconduct cases