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French Intermediate (LL177)



Description of entry level: You will have completed over 150 hours of tuition or have had a good foundation at school in the language, at least 'O'/GCSE level with grade A* or A or B, or A-level up to grade C or equivalent. You have reached the stage where you can understand a good proportion of the language when native speakers talk to you about a range of common topics. You can express yourself simply and with reasonable accuracy but you are hesitant in more demanding situations. You want to develop your fluency and extend the range of contexts in which you use the language.

Main Objectives

The course will improve your competence in an increasing range of factual, persuasive and expressive language tasks performed in a variety of contexts.

Please read our Can-do Statements (link on the right of this page) to see the competences which you will be working towards and can achieve by the end of the year.

Teaching and Learning

Teaching will be delivered fully online on MSTeams.

There will be one weekly two-hour online session for 18 weeks.

Course Text (must be bought by student)

Elodie Heu-Boulha & Marie Gatin (2023), Edito B1 - Méthode de français, Didier, ISBN: 978-2278108619

Course Description

Based on a step-by-step approach, the course is divided into learning blocks each of which focuses on practical, useful and manageable language. You will develop cultural awareness of the French speaking world.

Homework tasks will be set each week to consolidate what you have learnt in class.



  • health and healthy lifestyle;
  • reporting accidents, dealing with difficulties;
  • the world of work;
  • consumerism, trade and exchanges;
  • art and culture.


  • present tense (revision);
  • prepositions;
  • direct and indirect object pronouns (revision + y, en);
  • reflexive verbs (revision);
  • future tense (revision);
  • the imperative;
  • the gerund;
  • negative structures ( ne ... rien, ne ...personne);
  • temporal words and phrases;
  • perfect and imperfect tenses (revision);
  • relative pronouns (consolidation);
  • comparatives and superlatives (consolidation);
  • the conditional;
  • the subjunctive.
Subject-specific and transferable skills
  • Written and spoken communication
  • Strategies for understanding gist and specific information
  • Intercultural Awareness, Professionalism, Digital Literacy, Teamwork, Problem-Solving

Can count towards the Warwick Award:

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