Video Competition Information
Languages Thirst @ Warwick Video Competition (2018-19) (IATL funded project)
Are you a lover of languages? Are you imaginative and creative? Looking for a way to combine your passions?
Well, the Language Centre is holding a video competition to see what language learning means to you. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, learning languages becomes more and more important. As the learners of the language, we need you to be ambassadors for the future of intercultural communication and to help us promote the importance of what brings us all together - language!
What is the thirst about?
Develop a short video, up to 3 minutes, individually, in pairs or small groups to reflect on your language learning, explore the cultural differences between different countries, or deliver a fun taster session. Creativity is highly encouraged.
Your delivery must give a taste of the language you are learning. Showcase how beautiful your language sounds and how it looks. Afraid you are only a beginner? You can use the vocabulary you have learned instead of whole sentences in the video and add English subtitles.
Who is this competition for?
The competition is open to any students who are currently studying one of the following languages with the language center and as an academic or LLL module, as beginners or advanced learners:
• Arabic • Chinese • Japanese • Portuguese • Russian
General Guidelines:
- Videos should be no longer than 3 minutes
- Entrants are to ensure that all content used in the video is copyright free (Including footage, music, images props etc.)
- There is no fixed theme for the videos. The aim is to promote the creativity and drive for the languages.
- Please demonstrate one of the languages (as mentioned above) you are studying in your video. English subtitles can be provided.
- Entrants are encouraged to seek help from native speakers or film enthusiasts (However, these helpers cannot be entrants themselves).
*The copyright of each prize-winning and commended video will remain with the film-maker but the Language Center will have the right in perpetuity to publish and/or broadcast the videos.
Taking Part
- Students may enter individually or in a group of up to 3 people.
- Each entrant must individually enter online and fill in their details.
- The closing date for competition entry is Thursday, 24th January 2019 by 12:00 pm.
- The closing date for the final video submission is Friday, 22nd Feb by 12:00 pm.
What do you get?
- A chance to showcase your creativity and passion for the language you are learning.
- Develop critical employability skills, such as negotiation, communication, problem solving and teamwork and improve your digital skills.
- To win one of a range of prizes, including free language courses offered by the Language Centre, exciting working experience/job shadowing, spectacular live show tickets, and more.
- A selection of final videos produced by students (with their permission) will be used for the LC's marketing events, particularly for Open Days, Offer Holder Days and Secondary school language enrichment events.
Please note that all the entry videos will be showcased online and/or on the Piazza screen, social media and the university's website to reach a wide audience.
Wondering where to start?
Some ideas could include:
- A short fun taster session of the target language (basic phrases, interesting vocabulary etc.) in the language (basic phrases, interesting vocabulary etc.)
- A comparison of the differences between the target language and English
- An exploration of the cultural differences between the language and British culture
- Your experiences of learning the language
We have arranged a Ideating Workshop for a brainstorming, ideating and tips on filming with the native speakers and film enthusiasts at Warwick. Please join us.
Creative Session: 7-8pm, Thursday 24th January 2019, OC0.05
All entrants are invited to attend the Final Show evening on 28th February 2019, when the shortlisted video clips will be screened, and synchronized audience voting takes place. The winners will be announced at the end of the event.
Video Competition Helpful Guides
Competition Show Event Information
Competition Show Event Booking
Video Competition Information (2019-20)
Any questions, please contact
Zhiqiong dot Chen at warwick dot ac dot uk