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Arts Faculty News

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Advanced HE Collaborative Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE) 2022

Congratulations to Warwick's Learning Design Consultancy Unit on being one of the winners of Advance HE's 2022 Collaborative Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE). The LDCU team is led by Jess Humphreys and includes contributions from the Faculty of Arts' Director of Student Experience, Dr Rob O'Toole. Since moving to a Faculty role in April 2021, Rob has been working on digital pedagogic interventions with staff and students and more recently on designing a new UG course on Innovation by Design, which it is planned to launch for 23 entry in the School for Cross-Faculty Studies.

FAB Fest 2022

FAB Fest

Friday 20 May, 12pm - 5pm

Students, staff and members of the local community are invited to the official opening of the Faculty of Arts Building (FAB) taking place at midday on Friday, 20 May. The opening ceremony, where a festive glass of fizz will be provided for all guests, will be followed by FAB Fest – a festival celebrating the arts at Warwick.

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