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Dr Bing Lu

Director of Student Experience and Progression in the Faculty of Arts
Assistant Professor
Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

2.39, Faculty of Arts Building,
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL



I have obtained my MA and PhD degrees at University of Warwick in the Department of Education Studies. My doctoral project, supervised by Professor Emily Henderson and Dr Emma Williams, investigated how returned academics with foreign doctorates conduct doctoral supervision in their home countries. I was the Principal Investigator of the SRHE-funded project 'Migrant Supervisors Learn to Supervise in UK Institutions - an Inclusive Perspective', mentored by Professor Gina Wisker. I have been spearheading the Best-Practice Toolkit Co-creation Project as part of the inclusive education scheme in the Faculty of Arts and have produced the reports for 2023/2024. I have been providing academic leadership and mentorship to the Study Cafe Student Support Scheme in the Faculty of Arts.

Research Interests

My research focuses on social discourse with an orientation of subjectivity in understanding academics with transnational history. I apply poststructuralist and mobilities scholarship to understand the emergence, formation and negotiation of individuals' identities. I see personal accounts as a basic human strategy for coming to terms with life experiences.

I have a proven track record of fostering positive research culture and have been committed to diversity and equity within higher education. Particularly, I am interested in doctoral education research, narrative approach, and psychoanalysis theories. I am currently serving as a Research Fellow in Education based in Nottingham Trent University, contributing to the Research England and OfS funded project 'Equity in Doctoral Education through Partnership and Innovation' (EDEPI). The project, piloted in 2023-2024 across three partnership UK institutions, aims to remove barriers to doctoral education for racially minoritised groups.

I am also interested in pedagogical innovation, inclusive education, community of practice approach, and interdisciplinarity. I have supervised 20+ student projects to complete on various programmes (e.g. URSS) and have been awarded the PGA course Interdisciplinary Pedagogy provided by IATL with Distinction.

Selected Publications

Special Issue:

Qi, J., Nerad, M., Jacobsen, M., Lu, B., Taboos in Doctoral Education Across Cultures, Higher Education Quarterly (scheduled to be published in 2025)


Lu, B. and Henderson, E. (2024). Recording and researching doctoral supervision meetings: reconceptualising authenticity in supervision research. Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education. DOI: 10.1108/SGPE-03-2023-0022

Lu, B., Sinclair, B, and Affejee, Y. (2023). Designing and evaluating the Supervision workshop series – embracing overlapping and contradictory views. Journal of PGR Pedagogic Practice, 3, pp.

Lu. B. (2022). 'Challenging policy barriers to doctoral supervision: qualifying as a supervisor and recruiting students in Chinese research universities (chapter 4). In Österlind & Denicolo (Eds.), Doctoral Education as if People Matter - Critical Issues for the Future. Brill.

Book Reviews:

Lu. B. (2023). Book Reviews ‘Navigating Your International Doctoral Experience (and Beyond).Educational Review.

Lu. B. (2022). Book Reviews 'The role of doctorate in knowledge production: an institutional perspective'.Higher Education.

Lu. B. (2021). Book Reviews 'Transnational migration and the new subjects of work'.Work, Employment and Society: Sage Journals.

Lu, B. (2020). Book Reviews 'Asia inside out: itinerant people'.Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.


  • 2023 - 2024 Active Bystander Tutor, CVEP, Dean of Students' Office
  • 2022 - 2023 Social Mobility Research Student Research Hub mentor, Warwick Widening Participation
  • 2021- 2024 Dissertation Supervisor, DES, University of Warwick

Academic service

  • Student Success Sub-Committee Arts Faculty Rep

  • IATL Management & Education Committee Arts Faculty Rep

Academic membership

  • 2023- United Kingdom Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE)
  • 2019- International Doctoral Education Research Network (IDERN)
  • 2019- Society of Research into Higher Education (SRHE)