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The Projection Project at Flatpack Film Festival Apr 19 - 24

The Projection Project, which is an AHRC funded research project that investigates projection, will contribute a number of events at the upcoming Flatpack Film Festival in Birmingham:


Richard Nicholson: The Projectionists

Gas Hall: Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
From Wednesday 20 April at 11am to Sunday 24 April at 5pm 
A free event suitable for all ages


Photographer Richard Nicholson has been travelling the country, gaining privileged access to a realm where most cinema-goers never venture; the projection box. As film has made way for digital, both the job and the work-place have changed fundamentally, and Richard’s beautifully detailed images capture this pivotal moment.

This exhibition is part of our Projection Project, exploring the changing role of the projectionist over the past century. Some of the fruits of this work will be on show as part of the Celluloid City day, including Richard himself in conversation.

Gas Hall opening times: Wednesday – Friday 12pm – 7pm, Saturday 10.30am – 9pm, Sunday 10.30am – 5pm


Secrets of the projection box

Part of the Flatpack Film Festival’s ‘Celluloid City’ day

Gas Hall: Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Sunday 24 April, 3.45pm 
A free event suitable for all ages


Hair in the gate. Cigarette burns. The Maltese Cross. Projectionists inhabit a parallel universe with its own lexicon and rituals. Last year we embarked on the Projection Project exploring different aspects of this world, and at this event we will share some of the stories, sights and sounds we’ve discovered.

Claire Jesson is interested in the projectionist as represented onscreen, and will be showing a selection of clips from different movies. Richard Wallace has travelled the country interviewing a range of film technicians about their work, while Michael Pigott has been capturing the unique auditory environment of the box. Finally, Alexa Raisbeck is a projectionist and artist who will be talking about how her work is informed by analogue film technologies.


There will also be a Virtual Projection Box to explore, and members of the research team will be there to talk about the project (both in the Gas Hall along with the Richard Nicholson exhibtion).

And WarPUnit - the Warwick Projection Unit - will see intrepid Warwick students taking to the streets of Birmingham to do some guerrilla outdoor projection during the festival.

Dr. Rachel Moseley on BBC Radio Coventry and Warwickshire Breakfast Show

Dr. Rachel Moseley spoke to Trish Adudu and Jo Tidman about her new book 'Handmade Television: Stop-Frame Animation for Children in Britain, 1961-1974' on Trish and Jo at Breakfast on BBC Radio Conventry and Warwickshire on December 28, 2015

The Projection Project team give talk at Celluloid City weekend at mac Birmingham

As part of Flatpack Film Festival's Celluloid City Weekend at mac Birmingham several members of the research team working on the AHRC funded research project The Projection Project will give talk about their work, and trace a century-spanning history of projection and projectionists, from fairground showmen to contemporary projection mapping. Dr. Jon Burrows and Dr. Michael Pigott will speak on Saturday the 21st at 4pm, and Claire Jesson will introduce a screening of Wim Wenders' Kings of the Road on Sunday at 2pm.

More information here:

And to find out more about The Projection Project, click here:

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