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Helen Wheatley wins 2021 BAFTSS award for 'Best Journal Article'

Professor Helen Wheatley has won the award for 'Best Journal Article 2021' at the annual conference of the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS) for the article 'Haunted Television: Trauma and the Specter in the Archive'.

Sat 01 May 2021, 09:00 | Tags: staff News Publications Research news awards

Staff publications nominated for BAFTSS awards

Publications by Alastair Phillips and Helen Wheatley have been nominated for Awards by the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies

Wed 24 Mar 2021, 14:54 | Tags: staff News Publications Research news

New issue of 'MOVIE: A Journal of Film Criticism' published

Issue 9 of MOVIE: A Journal of Film Criticism has been published including written articles, audio-visual essays and a the first in a new series of student essays. This issue has been coordinated by Alex Clayton and Kathrina Glitre, and designed by Elizabeth Johnston.

Wed 04 Nov 2020, 16:30 | Tags: Publications

Online Book Launch for Stephen Gundle's 'Fame amid the Ruins: Italian Film Stardom in the Age of Neorealism'

Stephen Gundle's recent book Fame amid the Ruins: Italian Film Stardom in the Age of Neorealism (Berghahn, 2020) will be discussed with the author in an online presentation by Robert Gordon (Cambridge) and Catherine O'Rawe (Bristol) on 30 September. Anyone is welcome to join this free event, which will take place on Zoom between 18.15 and 19.45. Booking is required at least 24 hours before by registering on this link:

Tue 15 Sep 2020, 13:19 | Tags: staff Events News Publications

Alumni Ilaria Puliti has material from her MA dissertation published in Cineforum

Alumni Ilaria Puliti, who did her MA in the Department, recently won a film criticism competition with a chapter of her MA dissertation on Italian director Alice Rohrwacher. As a result, the material has been published as an essay in the latest issue of Italian cinema magazine Cineforum.

Fri 24 Jan 2020, 10:05 | Tags: Postgraduate alumni News Publications

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