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Wujung Ju

About Me

Hello, and welcome to my e-portfolio page! My name is Wujung (or more officially Woojeong as written on my passport), and I have recently been awarded PhD degree from the Department of Film and Television at University of Warwick.

This site is mainly for introducing my acadmic work as well as myself. Brought up in Seoul, South Korea, I began studying on film and media in the US, where I did my undergraduate from Hunter College in New York City.

I then moved to UK, did my master's degree at Warwick with a dissertation topic on the Japanese film director Ozu Yasujiro under the supervision of Dr. Alastair Phillips. I continued studying on Ozu for my PhD with Alastair again, though with a little different topic for my thesis. That was already many years from now in 2007, and after a long progress, I could finally submit my completed thesis in September 2011 and passed my viva in January 2012. Now I'm a postdoctoral research assistant at University of East Anglia, working with Dr. Rayna Denison on Japanese manga and anime industry.

Please feel free to explore this e-portfolio that includes more detailed information about my thesis, other academic experiences and personal interests. For your enquiry, you can find my contact information on the right side of this page. Thank you!

My Current Research


This project seeks to engage with contemporary Japanese media production practices, concentrating on media franchising that involves various kinds of media such as manga, anime, TV drama, film, novel, game and other merchandises. Japanese media production is characterised by cooperation at sophisticated degree among companies that produce and distribute these media products without forming American style giant conglomerate. This project aims to examine this complex industrial process in terms of transmedia adaptation with both domestic and global perspective. The research will involve industry data and report analysis, case studies of media franchise, and interviews with producers as well as historical and theoretical overview of Japanese media production. For more information, visit the official project website 'Manga Movies'.


Wujung Ju (Woojeong Joo)

Current Position

Postdoctoral Research Assistant
School of Film and Television
University of East Anglia


Japanese Cinema



W dot Joo at uea dot ac dot uk


Ozu Yasujiro (1903-1963)


Breakfast as usual (from Early Summer (1951))