Dr Marta Guerriero
Contact details |
Email: M dot Guerriero at warwick dot ac dot uk |
Tel.: +44(0) 24765 24770 |
Room: R3.36, Ramphal Building |
Advice and Feedback Hours (Term 2): Wednesday 16:00-17:00 and Friday 15:00-16:00 in R3.36 Ramphal (or Teams if requested in advance). These are drop-in sessions - no appointment needed! |
Associate Professor in Global Sustainable Development
Head of Global Sustainable Development
Deputy Chair of Arts Faculty for Education
Marta joined the Global Sustainable Development team at the University of Warwick in September 2016. Prior to that, she worked at the Department of Economics at the University of Birmingham and at the Institute for Development Policy and Management (now Global Development Institute) at the University of Manchester.
She is an interdisciplinary researcher and educator, working at the intersection between applied economics, labour and development studies, political economy, and socio-environmental policy.
In addition to her academic experience, she has several years’ experience in development and environmental consultancy and has worked with various private sector organisations, government and international bodies, both in the UK and abroad.
Marta is an applied economist with interdisciplinary interests. She is primarily interested in issues of socio-economic justice, governance and policy evaluation. She is also interested in transdisciplinary pedagogies and education for sustainable development.
Marta holds a PhD in Development Policy and Management from the University of Manchester (December 2013). Her PhD research contributed to the understanding of the causes of income inequality and is particularly relevant for countries who wish to devise adequate pro-poor policies and address concerns of social justice. Her research has received attention from various international organisations, such as the International Labour Organization, the World Bank and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Marta was one of the thematic leads of Warwick's Sustainable Cities GRP. In 2024, she was nominated for the Warwick Research Celebration Awards.
This year, Marta is module convenor for:
- Inequalities and Sustainable Development: Inclusion and Dignity for All (GD206 and GD208)
- Quantitative Approaches to Sustainable Development (GD905)
She also contributes specific sessions on other modules, including:
- Creating Knowledge for Change: Foundations of Transdisciplinary Research (IP901)
- Economic Principles of Global Sustainable Development (GD104)
- Challenges of Climate Change (GD305)
- Security, Sovereignty and Sustainability in the Global Food System (GD205 and GD210)
- A Global History of Food (HI2A7)
During her academic career, Marta has gained a range of teaching experience. She has taught many topics relevant to sustainable development, including poverty traps and poverty alleviation, rural development, environmental wealth, governance and institutional economics, as well as statistical techniques of policy impact evaluation.
In 2017, she was nominated and longlisted for the University Awards in the category of Student Experience.
In 2021, she was nominated for both the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence and the Warwick Awards for Personal Tutoring Excellence.
PhD students currently supervised
Marta is currently Head of the Global Sustainable Development Division and Deputy Chair of the Arts Faculty for Education.
Prior to these administrative roles, she was Director of Education in the School for Cross-faculty Studies (2021/2022), Deputy Head of School (Global Sustainable Development, 2018-2021), Deputy Chair of the Arts Faculty Education Committee (2023/2024), Study Abroad and International Partnerships Coordinator (2021-2024) and Widening Participation Lead, Global Sustainable Development (2017-2021).
In 2024, Marta was nominated for Warwick's Social Inclusion Staff Award.
Refereed journals and book chapters
- GUERRIERO, M. (2019). The Labor Share of Income around the World: Evidence from a Panel Dataset. Chapter 3 in Fields, G. & Paul, S. (eds.) Labor Income Share in Asia: Conceptual Issues and the Drivers, Springer Singapore, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Series on Development Economics. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7803-4_3
- GUERRIERO, M. (2019). Democracy and the Labor Share of Income: A Cross-Country Analysis. Chapter 6 in Fields, G. & Paul, S. (eds.) Labor Income Share in Asia: Conceptual Issues and the Drivers, Springer Singapore, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Series on Development Economics. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7803-4_6
- ABEKAH-NKRUMAH, G., GUERRIERO, M. & PUROHIT, P. (2014). ICTs and Maternal Healthcare Utilization. Evidence from Ghana. International Journal of Social Economics, 41(7): 518-541. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJSE-11-2012-0218
Policy reports
- ZHENG, Y., GUERRIERO, M., VALENCIA LOPEZ, E. & HAVERMAN, P. (2017). Universal Basic Income: A Working Paper: A Policy Option for China beyond 2020? UNDP China Office. https://www.cn.undp.org/content/china/en/home/library/poverty/universal-basic-income--a-working-paper.html
- GUERRIERO, M. (2015). The Impact of Internet Connectivity on Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Economic and Private Sector PEAKS Helpdesk Research Report. https://www.gov.uk/research-for-development-outputs/the-impact-of-internet-connectivity-on-economic-development-in-sub-saharan-africa
Working papers
GUERRIERO, M. & SEN, K. (2012). What Determines the Share of Labour in National Income? A Cross-Country Analysis. IZA Discussion Paper No. 6643, June 2012. http://ftp.iza.org/dp6643.pdf