Key Contacts for Undergraduate Students in GSD

In the Global Sustainable Development (GSD) Department, you will be supported by a number of staff members at different stages of your study. On this page, you will find a list of some key contacts in the department related to undergraduate studies. Please find below information about their roles, their email addresses, and links to their profile pages. If you are unsure who to contact, you may want to email Dr Gioia Panzarella (our Director of Student Experience for undergraduate students).
Please be reminded that each GSD student is allocated a personal tutor. They are a staff member in the department and you're welcome to discuss any aspect of your university experience with them - either academic or pastoral. Please do make use of such meetings as they'll be useful for both your academic progression and future plans. Existing students can find more information about the Personal tutor role in the Undergraduate Handbook. You may find out who your personal tutor is on your Tabula profile, under 'Personal tutor'. There will be some scheduled meetings with them throughout the year, but if you need to contact them you may find their contact details on their personal pageLink opens in a new window.
Key undergraduate contacts
GSD Undergraduate Office
- Current students may contact Mike Hart and Sheree Thompson via the email above for issues related to timetabling (for example, clashes), assessment submissions, and other administrative questions.
- The GSD Office is located in room R3.38 in the Ramphal Building. The Office is open for in-person office hours during term time on Monday to Friday, 10am-12pm and 2-4pm.
Dr Gioia Panzarella
- Gioia is a Director of Student Experience for all undergraduate GSD students. Gioia can be contacted for any feedback on your course, including ideas to develop new initiatives.
- Gioia also coordinates the weekly Skills Sessions (for first-yearLink opens in a new window and honours-levelLink opens in a new window students); is the academic convenor of the GSD Student-Staff liaison committeeLink opens in a new window; is GSD Adjustment and Disability Officer for students with reasonable adjustments; and oversees the GSD Student Mentoring Scheme.
Dr Romain Chenet
- Director of Undergraduate Studies: overseeing course regulatory adherence (module approval, student monitoring, etc.), and immigration compliance. Contact for course changes or transfers.
- Equity Officer: Chairs the School's EDI Committee and supports related efforts.
- Safeguarding Lead: contactable for queries or concerns pertaining to students aged under 18 years.
Professor Chris Dolan
- Chris is Director of Ethics. He delivers sessions on Ethics in research for all students in GSDLink opens in a new window. You may want to contact Chris regarding primary data collection if human participants are involved.
Bodrun Nahar
- Bodrun is the Employability and Placement Manager in GSD. Bodrun is the point of contact for issues regarding work placements, including the year-long work placementLink opens in a new window.
Dr Liz Chant
- Liz is the Study Abroad Coordinator. She oversees the Study Abroad programmesLink opens in a new window, including the Monash integrated programme.