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Dr Gioia Panzarella

Gioia Panzarella

Contact details


Gioia dot Panzarella at warwick dot ac dot uk

Tel.: +44(0) 24765 75257
Room: R3.33 Ramphal Building

Office Hours:

In term time, my advice and feedback hours are as follows as a standard. Any amendment to the schedule below will be indicated on ***this page***Link opens in a new window 

Mondays 11:30-12:30: MS Teams only (book a slot hereLink opens in a new window)
Tuesdays 4-5: in person only in R3.33 (book a slot hereLink opens in a new window)
Wednesdays 4-5: drop-in only in R.33 (no booking needed)
Thursdays 9:30-10:30: in person only (book a slot hereLink opens in a new window)
Fridays 11:30-12:30: MS Teams only (book a slot hereLink opens in a new window)

, or email me to make an appointment

Associate Professor and Director of Student ExperienceLink opens in a new window


I joined the Global Sustainable Development department in August 2018. After completing a BA in English and German (2010) and an MA in Anglophone literatures (2012) in Italy, I moved to Austria to work as a language teaching assistant and then to the UK to do a PhD at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Warwick (2018).

At Warwick, I was the postgraduate representative (2015-2016) and a project officer (Dec 2017- May 2018) for the Migration, Identity, and Translation Network (MITN)Link opens in a new window, funded by the Monash-Warwick Alliance. In 2018-2019, I contributed to the social media management of the network. Stemming from the collaboration with Monash, I co-led the 'Collaborative Translation: A Model for Inclusion' project (2016-2017). In 2018, I was an Early Career Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Study, and an Associate FellowLink opens in a new window in 2018-20.

I've worked as a freelance writer and copyeditor for newspapers, publishers, and media agencies since 2007 and I've been a member of the Italian Journalists’ Association since 2009.


In 2023-2024, I convene:

I'm an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and I completed a postgraduate certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Warwick, 2016).

Prior to joining the Department of Global Sustainable Development, I was an hourly-paid language tutor in Italian at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Warwick (2014-2018). I hold a postgraduate certificate in language teaching (Milan, 2014) and I'm a Celta-certified teacher (Warwick, 2018).

I have also volunteered as a teacher for adult immigrants at the Centro culturale multietnico La Tenda in Milan and at the Esol (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes organized by the Coventry City of Sanctuary.


My research focuses on multilingualism, migration and mobility, with a focus on literary and artistic productions. In my PhD thesis I investigated the tensions between migration and literature in contemporary Italy by exploring sites of dissemination of contemporary literary productions by translingual authors writing in Italian. I analysed the narratives produced by agents who address wide public audiences such as public library users, school students, and television audiences. While I built on recent critical contributions that articulate both a postcolonial and a transnational turn in Italian Studies, I also engaged in a broader dialogue with disciplines such as literary studies, media studies, sociology of culture, television studies, and education.

In the area of language learning, I specialize in Content and language integrated learning (CLIL), collaborative translation practices in the language classroom, and second language teaching with a focus on adult immigrant learners.


Edited book

  • Compagnia delle poete, Madrigne in un'unica partitura, edited by Gioia Panzarella (Milan: Ledizioni, 2015)

Journal articles (peer-reviewed)

Conference papers (selection)

  • 'Linguistic Autobiographies as a tool to introduce Multilingualism to HE students of Sustainable Development'. Conference. British Educational Research Association, Aston University (12-14 September 2023)
  • 'Linguistic autobiographies to rethink the link between multilingualism and ESD'. Conference. Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2023, Keele University (4-6 July 2023)
  • 'Linguistic Autobiographies as a teaching tool'. Humanities Research Centre Colloquium: Biographical Turns, University of Warwick (17 May 2023)
  • 'Migration literature as a teaching tool'. Workshop: Rethinking Knowledge Politics in Migration Research, Teaching & Practice, African Centre for Migration & Society (ACMS) (3 December 2021)
  • 'Migration and Literature on Italian Reality TV'. Conference: The Politics of Casting in Media, University of South Wales (20-21 November 2021)
  • 'From Biography to Co-authorship: Voices of Migration in Literary Texts and Their Dissemination'. Conference: Twice-told Stories in Contemporary Italian Literature (1980-2020), University of Cambridge (8-9 October 2021)
  • 'Collaborative translation practices in the language classroom'. Society for Italian Studies, Biennial Conference 2019, Panel “Language and Teaching. Translation and Multilingualism”, University of Edinburgh (26-28 June 2019)Link opens in a new window
  • 'Migration, Literature, and Intermediaries: Gabriella Ghermandi’s performance Regina di fiori e di perle'. Language, Migration, and Translation Conference and Public Summit, Univerisity of Warwick (24-26 May 2018)
  • 'Migration and its Audiences. The case of the Compagnia delle poete'. University of Sussex, Society for Italian Studies Themed Conference (5-6 April 2018)
  • 'Migration Literature in Italian and its Sites of Dissemination'. University of Monash Prato Centre, Australasian Centre for Italian Studies 9th Biennial Conference (5 July 2017)
  • 'Prof. Eva-Maria Thüne (University of Bologna), author of Carta da zucchero (Ravenna: Fernandel, 2015), in conversation with Gioia Panzarella'. Graduate Research Seminar, Department of Italian, University of Cambridge (15 May 2017)


  • 'Director Roles and Academic Administration Duties in Early Career PostsLink opens in a new window'. University of Warwick, Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), Accolade programme (27th January 2022)
  • 'Engaging learners in the online environmentLink opens in a new window'. University of Warwick, Learning Design Consultancy Unit, Roundtable (19th January 2022)
  • 'Transcollaborate Language Learning - Italian language workshops'. University of Warwick (1, 15, 22 November 2016)
  • 'Migration, writers and literature: narratives of translingualism'. Summer School 'Migrants, Human Rights and Democracy' (20-24 June 2016)
  • 'Using Twitter for Impact'. University of Warwick, School of Modern Languages and Cultures (3 February 2016)
  • 'Combining content and language teaching through CLIL'. University of Warwick, Cadre Peer Development Exchange 2015 (26 February 2015)


  • (with Maria Grazia Besutti and Sissi Decorato) Io e il Re by Hanif Kureishi (Milan: Ledizioni, 2018). English into Italian.
  • 'The Other Barack' by Julio Monteiro Martins, Sagarana, La Lavagna del Sabato no. 627, 2 December 2014. Italian into English.