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Global Sustainable Development News

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Dr Leon Sealey-Huggins presents on climate justice at the University of Antwerp

Waves coming into a Caribbean shore, with green foliage in the background

Dr Leon Sealey-Huggins, Assistant Professor in GSD, recently visited the University of Antwerp to deliver several sessions focused on climate justice. Leon was an invited Visiting Lecturer as a guest of the Faculty of Law and the Institute of Development Policy (IOB).

Read more.

Join our Postgraduate Open Day on Saturday 2 April 2022

At the University's upcoming Postgraduate Open Day on Saturday 2 April 2022, we will be running the following online session:

  • Postgraduate Study in Global Sustainable Development, 1-2:30 pm UK time.

During this session you will hear from staff and current students in the Global Sustainable Development Department. This is a great opportunity to discover more about our MASc degree and our PhD programme.

Book your place on the Open Day and add our event to your agenda.

School for Cross-faculty Studies Public Lecture: Register Now

  • ‘Global Multiple Migration: Class-Based Mobility Capital of Elite Chinese Gay Men’
  • Wednesday 16 March 2022, 4-6 pm (GMT). The reception for this lecture will start at 4 pm and the talk will start at 4:30 pm.
  • Hybrid event: Room R1.15, Ramphal Building, and online on MS Teams.
  • All Warwick staff, students, and alumni, as well as the general public, are welcome to attend.

Register for the event.


Susanne Choi Yuk Ping

Susanne Choi Yuk Ping is Professor at the Department of Sociology and the Co-Director of the Gender Research Centre at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She received her D.Phil. in Sociology from Nuffield College, University of Oxford. Susanne uses a feminist lens to explore a diverse set of issues related to migration, gender, sexuality, family, work, and social movements in Chinese societies. Her lead–authored book Masculine Compromise (published by University of California Press) explores how men’s rural to urban migration shapes gender and family dynamics in post-socialist China. Her articles were published by American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Marriage and Family, Sociology, British Journal of Sociology, Social Science and Medicine, Sociology of Health and Illness, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, The China Quarterly, Work, Employment and Society, Gender, Work and Organization, and Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies among others.

Global Sustainable Development Competition: Entry Now Open!

Entry for the 2022 Global Sustainable Development (GSD) Competition is now open. Entries must be received by midnight UK time on Friday 29 April 2022. Shortlisted entrants will be invited to a virtual event with GSD students and teaching staff. Winners will be announced and awarded prizes.

Tue 08 Feb 2022, 09:58 | Tags: GSD Outreach Global Sustainable Development Competition

UN Food Price Index understates soaring real cost of food, argues Dr Alastair Smith

Golden wheat in a field, blue sky in the background

Dr Alastair Smith, Senior Teaching Fellow in GSD, calls on the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) to focus on real, not nominal food prices, in a correspondence piece published in Nature.

GSD students and staff get stuck in planting trees on campus

Staff and students from GSD planting trees for the COP Coppice

In December, a group from the Global Sustainable Development (GSD) Department and the Economics Department helped the Grounds Team plant several trees. This idea was born out of the Warwick Climate Negotiating Forum (WCNF) 2021 which took place in Term 1. Organised by and for students, the Forum asked attendees to step into the shoes of delegates from different nations to hold their own climate negotiations. Instead of handing out freebies such as pens and lanyards at the Forum, the WCNF Team chose to instead plant trees on campus; 26 trees to be exact, in light of COP26.

Find out more about tree planting and biodiversity projects on campus.

PhD Scholarships in Global Sustainable Development: Apply Now!

Applications are now open for our PhD scholarships in Global Sustainable Development (GSD) for the academic year 2022/23. The Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarships Programme, ‘TRANSFORM: Transformations of Human-Environment Interactions to Sustainable Development’, is led by the GSD Department in the School for Cross-faculty Studies.

Applications close at 12 pm (GMT) on Monday 7 March 2022.

Dr Xiaodong Lin named Editor-in-Chief of The Sociological Review Journal

Dr Xiaodong Lin, Associate Professor in Global Sustainable Development, has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of The Sociological Review, the UK's oldest sociology journal. Prior to his new role, he was a General Editor of The Sociological Review.

Thu 13 Jan 2022, 09:54 | Tags: GSD Staff stories Global Sustainable Development Research

GSD postgraduate research featured in New Mandala

Coffee shop in Paksong

Image credit: Coffee shop in Paksong, by Adriaan Castermans on Wikimedia Commons

Published last month, a New Mandala article features the work of one of our PhD students, Thipphaphone (Kee) Xayavong, and his Learning Space Project.

Dr Mandy Sadan awarded Major Research Fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust

Herbs and spices laid out on a table

We are delighted to announce that Dr Mandy Sadan, Associate Professor in GSD, has recently been awarded a highly prestigious Major Research Fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust for her project ‘Flavour in the Making of Modern Britain’. The project will begin in September 2022 and will run for three years.

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