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New publication: Assessing the Role of Tourism in Sustaining Life Below Water

Last month saw the publication of a new paper in the Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals about 'Tourist Traps: Assessing the Role of Tourism in Sustaining Life Below Water', authored by Dr Jess Savage, Senior Teaching Fellow (GSD); Dr Godwin Yeboah, Senior Research Fellow (IGSD); and Dr Sarah Cook, Research Fellow (Warwick Water Group.

New publication: Tales of Treatment highlight the benefits of grassroots public engagement

A person holding green coloured pills in their hand

An approach to public engagement which respects grass-roots and community knowledge has an important role to play in improving our understanding of the relationship between traditional healing and Western-style medicine in low- and middle-income countries, and could generate new approaches to tackling antimicrobial resistance, according to a new paper published in Medical Humanities.

Wed 30 Sep 2020, 09:00 | Tags: GSD Staff stories Global Sustainable Development Research

New study documents the behavioural impacts of phones and social support networks in rural Southeast Asia

A mobile phone user in Thailand

Image credit: Dr Marco J Haenssgen

A new paper demonstrates the facilitating yet potentially inequitable role of mobile phones in rural healthcare access.

GSD researcher Marco J Haenssgen, Giacomo Zanello (University of Reading), and Nutcha Charoenboon (University of Bristol) have released a new paper in the prestigious journal World Development. Analysing health behaviours in rural Thailand and Laos, the researchers highlight the complexities of technological change and caution against over-enthusiastic medical interventions that aim to promote health through mobile phones.

In interview: Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla on laughter in oral histories of displacement

Cuban Health Specialists arrive in South Africa to support efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Image credit: GovernmentZA/flickr

Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla, Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies, was recently interviewed by the Oral History Review about the role of laughter in oral history interviews. You can read the interview here. This interview is directly linked to Stéphanie's paper, "Laughter in Oral Histories of Displacement: 'One Goes on a Mission to Solve Their Problems'", published in the Oral History Review.

Both the interview and paper are based on a wider project started by Stéphanie in 2014, entitled “Life Stories of Cuban internationalist healthcare professionals”. The project aims to fill the gap in the existing literature on Cuban internationalist healthcare professionals, allowing the professionals themselves to "share their stories and help us gain a better understanding of what it meant for them to join these missions, how the work impacted their lives and those of their families, and the challenges they faced as Cuban internationalists."

You might also be interested in the following news items on Stéphanie's recent work:

What if hardship causes drug resistance?

On Tuesday 2 June 2020, GSD Assistant Professor Dr Marco J Haenssgen presented a talk entitled “What if hardship causes drug resistance?” to the prestigious Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Centre Seminar at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).

Thu 11 Jun 2020, 09:00 | Tags: GSD Staff stories Global Sustainable Development Research

Press interviews with Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla on Cuban international healthcare

Cuban Health Specialists arriving in South Africa to curb the spread of COVID-19

Image: GovernmentZA/flickr

At the start of this month, Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla, the Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies, was interviewed for an article in The Guardian relating to her research on Cuban international healthcare professionals. The article looks into Cuba's 'doctor diplomacy' scheme, and in particular, the emerging trend of Cuban medical teams supporting struggling health services during the Coronavirus pandemic in developed European nations.

In addition, Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla was also interviewed on Spanish National radio on Wednesday 13 May 2020 for the programme Cinco Continentes (Five Continents). This interview also relates to Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla's research on Cuban international healthcare professionals and Cuban medical diplomacy, and in particular to the latest interventions of Cuban doctors in Europe. You can listen to the podcast here.

GSD student presents research in Parliament

Alice Vodden at the Posters in Parliament Event

Congratulations to our final-year GSD and Business Studies student, Alice Vodden, for presenting her research at the Posters in Parliament event in Westminster in March!

Tue 19 May 2020, 09:00 | Tags: GSD Student stories Research

ICUR 2020: Call for abstracts now open

ICUR logo

Applications for the International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) 2020 are now open!

ICUR is a great opportunity for you to present your research to a global audience. Sponsored by the Monash-Warwick Alliance, the video-linked conference will take place from 29-30 September 2020, connecting students at the University of Warwick, Monash University, as well as other institutions around the world.

The deadline for abstract submissions is Sunday 31 May 2020. You can submit your abstract here.

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