Research News
GSD professor publishes research in prestigious humanitarian law journal
One of our GSD academics has seen his pivotal research on sexual violence published in a world-renowned humanitarian law, policy and action journal.
GSD professor obtains teaching leadership award
Professor Stephanie Panichelli-Batalla, a GSD professor and the University’s Academic Director for Sustainability, was awarded the Principal Fellowship of Advance HE. The fellowship is awarded to highly experienced Higher Education teaching professionals whose practice involves a sustained record of effectiveness in strategic leadership of high-quality learning.
GSD Representation within Warwick SU
Did you know that we have both former and current students representing GSD in our own Student Union?
Find out more about our representatives currently in post!
SCFS runs its Work Placement Fair for 2024
On Tuesday 29th October, the School for Cross-Faculty Studies (SCFS) ran its Work Placement Fair, offering Warwick students the opportunity to meet students who have undertaken a work placement and find out more about their experiences.
GSD alumni returns to present talk on United Nations work experiences
A former GSD Masters student recently returned to our main campus to present a talk on her experiences working at the United Nations (UN).
GSD Graduation: Congratulations Class of 2024!
On 22nd July we were pleased to witness our 2024 GSD final year students graduate. Celebrations included a graduation ceremony at Butterworth Hall
(Warwick Arts Centre) followed by a celebratory lunch where student awards were also presented.
Global Sustainable Development graduate wins prestigious contribution award
A student who recently graduated as part of our GSD Class of 2024 has won a prestigious award in recognition of their outstanding contributions both academically and toward social causes.
Kirsty Reed is one of a few selected graduates who received Warwick’s OSCA prize, which celebrates gifted students who campaign for good causes, fundraise, start small businesses and work with local charities.
Warwick Students Visit Design and Science Summer School in Slovenia
Supported by EUTOPIA funding, between 8th - 12th July 2024 three students from the School for Cross-Faculty Studies (SCFS) attended the fourth Design + Science Summer School.
Hosted by the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) in their Academy of Fine Arts and Design (ALUO), the Summer School was structured around various phases of learning.