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Research News

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Congratulations to our first MASc GSD graduates!

We are proud to celebrate the success of our very first graduating cohort of MASc GSD students. Not only are our eleven graduates the first to complete a postgraduate degree in the School for Cross-faculty Studies, they are also the University’s first ever students to be awarded the new degree of Master of Arts and Science at Warwick.

Teaching and Tutoring Excellence Awards: School for Cross-faculty Studies Success!

Dr Bryan Brazeau and Dr Gioia Panzarella being presented with their WAPTE awards at the 2022 Degree Congregation

We are extremely proud of Dr Gioia Panzarella (Global Sustainable Development) and Dr Bryan Brazeau (Liberal Arts) for winning the 2022 Warwick Awards for Personal Tutoring Excellence (WAPTE)! The WAPTE Team received more nominations than ever before this year from both students and staff, so it is a real testament to their commitments to personal tutoring to be acknowledged at this level.

Read more.

Join us for our first annual GSD PhD Symposium!

The GSD Department is pleased to be hosting its first annual PhD Symposium on Friday 1 July 2022! This event will be taking place in the new Faculty of Arts Building, FAB5.03.

The Symposium will provide an opportunity for our first cohort of PhD students to showcase their research. The Symposium will also open discussions around this year’s theme of transdisciplinary research.

School for Cross-faculty Studies Public Lecture: Register Now

  • ‘Global Multiple Migration: Class-Based Mobility Capital of Elite Chinese Gay Men’
  • Wednesday 16 March 2022, 4-6 pm (GMT). The reception for this lecture will start at 4 pm and the talk will start at 4:30 pm.
  • Hybrid event: Room R1.15, Ramphal Building, and online on MS Teams.
  • All Warwick staff, students, and alumni, as well as the general public, are welcome to attend.

Register for the event.


Susanne Choi Yuk Ping

Susanne Choi Yuk Ping is Professor at the Department of Sociology and the Co-Director of the Gender Research Centre at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She received her D.Phil. in Sociology from Nuffield College, University of Oxford. Susanne uses a feminist lens to explore a diverse set of issues related to migration, gender, sexuality, family, work, and social movements in Chinese societies. Her lead–authored book Masculine Compromise (published by University of California Press) explores how men’s rural to urban migration shapes gender and family dynamics in post-socialist China. Her articles were published by American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Marriage and Family, Sociology, British Journal of Sociology, Social Science and Medicine, Sociology of Health and Illness, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, The China Quarterly, Work, Employment and Society, Gender, Work and Organization, and Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies among others.

PhD Scholarships in Global Sustainable Development: Apply Now!

Applications are now open for our PhD scholarships in Global Sustainable Development (GSD) for the academic year 2022/23. The Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarships Programme, ‘TRANSFORM: Transformations of Human-Environment Interactions to Sustainable Development’, is led by the GSD Department in the School for Cross-faculty Studies.

Applications close at 12 pm (GMT) on Monday 7 March 2022.

New staff join the School for Cross-faculty Studies!

Headshots of new members of staff in the School for Cross-faculty Studies

We are very pleased to have welcomed several new members of staff to the School for Cross-faculty Studies this term. Read more.

New practical guide to support active learning in Education for Sustainable Development by Dr Alastair Smith

Advance HE and QAA have launched a series of practice guides designed to support institutions to enable Education for Sustainable Development. Dr Alastair Smith, Senior Teaching Fellow in the GSD Department and Education for Sustainable Development Officer for the School for Cross-faculty Studies, is the author of one of the 18 practice-based guides.

SCFS Work Placement Talk and Live Q&A

The School for Cross-faculty Studies (SCFS) Work Placement Talk and Live Q&A event will be taking place on Tuesday 23 November 2021 at 5:30-7 pm UK time on Microsoft Teams (link to join event).

This event is exclusively for students from the School for Cross-faculty Studies.

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