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IGSD Director Professor Elena Korosteleva is featured in SHAPEDEM-EU Podcast Series

Professor Elena Korosteleva is featured in the Democracy Support DialoguesLink opens in a new window, a podcast that takes a closer look at the European Union's support for democratic politics in its Eastern and Southern Neighbourhoods. Professor Korosteleva discusses democratic practices and the future of democracy in the EU's Eastern Neighbourhood.

The episode is available through the following streaming services:

New member of the WUB-hub team - Dr Paul Hansbury joined us on 8 January 2024

Dr Paul Hansbury joined the WUB-hub project (and the IGSD team) as a lead researcher on Belarus and Ukraine examining the issues of democracy-building, conflict and war, geopolitics and EU strategies towards these countries and the wider neighbourhood. Welcome, Paul!

New member of SHAPEDEM project - Dr Aijan Sharshenova joined us on 19/2/24

On 19 Feb 2024 Dr Aijan Sharshenova joined our SHAPEDEM project (and IGSD team) as a lead Research Fellow. Prior to this Aijan was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek. Dr Sharshenova holds a PhD in Politics awarded at the University of Leeds, UK. Prior to joining the OSCE Academy, Dr Sharshenova worked at the UN and UNDP country offices in the Middle East, and taught courses in International Politics and Academic Writing. Aijan’s research interests include public diplomacy, the EU and Russian policies towards Central Asia, EU policies towards the eastern neighbourhood, and international development. Recently, Dr Sharshenova published her book ‘The European Union’s Democracy Promotion in Central Asia’ available here.

Aijan replaced Dr Asya Kudlenko, who is currently on maternity leave.

New member of the IGSD team - Dr Hita Unnikrishnan - starting soon!

Especially delighted to announce this news: IGSD is very happy to announce that Dr Hita Unnikrishnan will be joining IGSD on 3 June 2024 as our new Assistant Professor. Presently Hita is Newton International Fellow at the University of Sheffield, and prior that she worked as Assistant Professor at the Trans-Disciplinary University, and as a post-doctoral research associate at Azim Premji University, both based in Bengaluru, India. She obtained her Ph.D from Manipal University, India; ATREE, Bengaluru. Hita was also a recipient of the Prof. Elinor Ostrom Fellowship on Practice and Policy on the Commons in 2013.


WUB-hub: a blog on Ukraine & Belarus intertwined fate is published on 27 January 2024

The 'intertwined' fate of Belarus and Ukraine

The Warwick Ukraine-Belarus (WUB) Hub is a new initiative building on the foundations of the Oxford Belarus Observatory. WUB Hub expands the earlier project’s coverage to include Ukraine and Ukrainians in its work, and it will grow through its events and collaborative activities with other institutions.

Paul Hansbury, IGSD Research Fellow

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