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WUB-hub: a blog on Ukraine & Belarus intertwined fate is published on 27 January 2024

The 'intertwined' fate of Belarus and Ukraine

The Warwick Ukraine-Belarus (WUB) Hub is a new initiative building on the foundations of the Oxford Belarus Observatory. WUB Hub expands the earlier project’s coverage to include Ukraine and Ukrainians in its work, and it will grow through its events and collaborative activities with other institutions.

Paul Hansbury, IGSD Research Fellow

WUB-hub: a blog on Lukashenka's brutal regime in Belarus published on 25 Feb 2024

The Human Rights Situation in Belarus on the Eve of the “Single Voting Day”

Just days after the breaking news of Alexei Navalny's death made global headlines, Belarusian independent media reported another tragedy that is similar in character but will likely cause much less attention. The political prisoner Ihar Lednik died in a hospital in Minsk after he had been incarcerated despite a known heart condition.

Jakob Wollenstein

Originally published by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (reproduced with permission)

WUB-hub project: a new blog piece on elections in Belarus just published!

On February 25, 2024, the “single voting day” for the national parliament and local councils took place in Belarus. This was likely the least free election in the history of the nation. Politically sterile, with no opposition on the ballot or in the election commissions, Lukashenka is ushering in a process that the democratic opposition calls a “special operation.”

Jakob Wollenstein

Originally published by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (reproduced with permission)

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