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WUB-hub publication of the 'Belarus in the XXI century' book in Belarusian

The book 'Belarus in the XXI century: between dictatorship and democracy' edited by Elena Korosteleva, Irina Petrova and Anastassiia Kudlenko, is now translated into Belarusian, produced and published by Skaryna Press London on 7 April 2024! The book looks at the evolution of peoplehood in Belarus taking the year of 2020 as a watershed moment for the rise of the new political force in the country, called 'the People!'. This process of emergence is examined from historical, cultural, anthropological, economic and political perspectives. The book is available for order here.

WUB-hub: a blog on Lukashenka's brutal regime in Belarus published on 25 Feb 2024

The Human Rights Situation in Belarus on the Eve of the “Single Voting Day”

Just days after the breaking news of Alexei Navalny's death made global headlines, Belarusian independent media reported another tragedy that is similar in character but will likely cause much less attention. The political prisoner Ihar Lednik died in a hospital in Minsk after he had been incarcerated despite a known heart condition.

Jakob Wollenstein

Originally published by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (reproduced with permission)

WUB-hub project: a new blog piece on elections in Belarus just published!

On February 25, 2024, the “single voting day” for the national parliament and local councils took place in Belarus. This was likely the least free election in the history of the nation. Politically sterile, with no opposition on the ballot or in the election commissions, Lukashenka is ushering in a process that the democratic opposition calls a “special operation.”

Jakob Wollenstein

Originally published by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (reproduced with permission)

Just published: debating democracy at the heart of Europe

At the invitation of Judy Dempsey, Carnegie Europe, scholars, policy-makers and practitioners debate EU Democracy Promotion in this publication: "European democracy faces threats from both within and outside. To counter them, Europe needs leaders who are serious about upholding democratic values and addressing citizens' grievances'. Professor Korosteleva offered her take, as part of her work on SHAPEDEM-EU project. For more information please visit here.

The SHAPEDEM-EU project: mid-term review - success!

The SHAPEDEM-EU project, bringing together 12 members of the consortium, across Europe and beyond, had its first mid-term review meeting with the European Commission and appointed by the Commission independent reviewers. The Steering Committee of the project, involving all team leads, presented its work on various Work Packages, and the project's cross-cutting issues including digital transformation, ethics and gender. The Commission representative was very pleased to see the project's progress, including all the extra activities that participants initiated themselves, going well beyond the project's call, to ensure knowledge co-production and its dissemination further afield.

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