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Pre-announcement: Green Transition Ecosystems

Apply for funding to conduct research to address distinct challenges posed by the climate crisis, including but not limited to realising net zero goals.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for AHRC funding.

Green Transition Ecosystems will connect directly with the wider Future Observatory: Design the Green Transition programme.

Opening date: 10th January 2023 9am UK time
Closing date: 6th April 4.00pm UK time

Thu 01 Dec 2022, 13:03 | Tags: 2022 Climate emergency

Towards good practice in the use of local and scientific knowledge for informing natural resources management

“This week, Dr Herizo Andrianandrasana, a research fellow from Institiute for Global Sustainable Development, University of Warwick, is in Aasiaat Greenland, to participate in a workshop called 'Towards good practice in the use of local and scientific knowledge for informing natural resources management'. Participants include Danish and Greenlandic government officials, local associations of fishers and hunters, local community members practicing community-based monitoring, scientists from Universities from Denmark, Greenland, UK/Madagascar, Norway, Japan, USA, Brazil, and local authorities from the municipalities in Greenland. The Greenlandic government delegation was led by the Minister of fishing & hunting.

Heri's talk in Aasiaat focusses on the adoption of the 2015 'Manaus Letter' he co-developed during an international symposium in Brazil in 2014, and his 19 years’ experience on community-based conservation and monitoring in Madagascar. The aim of workshop is to promote and strengthen the use of community-based conservation approach in Greenland and also exchange experiences from different parts of the world so that local people, scientists and authorities in Greenland can strengthen collaboration towards sustainable fishing and hunting (marine and terrestrial wildlife), build the gap between scientific monitoring and local knowledge. The workshop is an opportunity to provide realistic recommendations towards the use of Participatory Monitoring and community-based conservation in decision making. The outcomes of this workshop which is supported by the EU funded CAPARDUS Project and Government of Denmark funded UArctic Thematic Network on Collaborative Research Management, will be presented at the COP 15 of CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity) expected in Montreal on 7-19th of Dec 2022”.

Thu 01 Dec 2022, 12:44 | Tags: IGSD publications Early Career Researcher 2022

EUTOPIA-SIF Postdoctoral Fellowships - Third Call for Applicants 

The third call for applications to the EUTOPIA Science and Innovation FellowshipLink opens in a new window scheme opened on 15th September 2022 with a deadline of 15th December 2022.

The Fellowships provide two years of funding for early career researchers to undertake a significant piece of independent research as a step towards establishing a permanent academic career. Fellows will be based at Warwick but will be able to strengthen their research by undertaking secondments at other EUTOPIA-SIF institutions and external partners.

The IAS at Warwick will offer up to six fellowships in the third call. Fellows will be hosted by the IAS but, to support their research, they will be based in an academic department or centres at Warwick under the guidance of an academic mentor.

Applications are welcome from any subject area or discipline but are expected to show a link to one of the five EUTOPIA SIF key research areas:

  • Materials Engineering;

  • Data & Intelligence;

  • Health;

  • Sustainability;

  • Welfare & Inclusion.

Successful applicants will start in September 2023 and join a community of fellows across the EUTOPIA Alliance fellows to develop their independent research profiles and undertake training to help establish an academic career.

Further information and an FAQs are available on the IAS WebsiteLink opens in a new window.

Wed 30 Nov 2022, 16:58 | Tags: Early Career Researcher 2022 Internal Funding

EoI for ORBIT RRI training

Researchers can register their interest to attend training on Responsible Research and Innovation, delivered by ORBIT (the Observatory for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT). The Foundation in RRI course covers the foundational elements of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) including an introduction to the AREA Framework and the 4Ps of application.

Responsible innovation is a process that takes the wider impacts of research and innovation into account. It aims to ensure that unintended negative impacts are avoided, that barriers to dissemination, adoption and diffusion of research and innovation are reduced, and that the positive societal and economic benefits of research and innovation are fully realised.

The form to register interest is available here:
We will contact everyone who has expressed an interest when a date becomes available.

Fri 25 Nov 2022, 12:16 | Tags: 2022

Plastic pollution is a growing global problem.

The plastic crisis has deep corporate roots: to protect our planet, they need to be exposed.
Alice Mah

Fri 25 Nov 2022, 12:13 | Tags: 2022 Plastics

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