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IGSD Research Fellow is interviewed by Deutsche Welle's Russian service

IGSD Research Fellow Dr Aijan SharshenovaLink opens in a new window (SHAPEDEM-EULink opens in a new window project) was interviewed by the Russian service of Deutsche WelleLink opens in a new window in relation to the recent adoption of the "foreign agents" law in Kyrgyzstan and the imminent closure of the Soros Foundation KyrgyzstanLink opens in a new window, a private non-government foundation set up by the Open Society Institute in 1993.

Jonathan Clarke, IGSD Thematic Fellow, was interviewed on TV news about winter crop devastation

Jonathan Clarke talks to local news about the challenges and consequences of the extended floods in the Cotswolds for local farming and regional and National food supply chains.

Hita Unnikrishnan published a newspaper article

Dr Hita Unnikrishnan, IGSD new Assistant Professor, together with Prof. Harini Nagendra, has published a newspaper article 'How Bengaluru's lakes disappeared' in The Indian Express. There they discussed what it means for the local communities that once a city of lakes and a community centre for its neighbourhoods critical for local economies and sacred cosmologies, biodiversity and human wellbeing, Bengaluru's lifeworld has dried up due to climate change.

IGSD Fellow published a book chapter on polity diffusion

Dr. Aijan SharshenovaLink opens in a new window, a research fellow working on SHAPEDEM-EULink opens in a new window project at the IGSD, published a book chapter on polity diffusion and regime security in Central Asia. Her contribution explores the politics of autocracy promotion, autocracy diffusion, authoritarian learning and know-how exchange between Central Asian republics and Russia, a regional trend-setter.

The book is published by German publisher Nomos with the support of the the Centre of German and European Studies (CGES/ZDES) at Bielefeld University and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Hard copies are available to purchase at the publisher's websiteLink opens in a new window, and soft copies are free to download (open access).

SHAPEDEM-EU publishes third podcast series' episode

SHAPEDEM-EU, a transnational research project, where the University of Warwick is a partner, published third episode of its podcast series “Democracy Support Dialogues”. In this podcast episode, Professor Jamil Mouawad from the American University of Beirut engages in a frank conversation with the podcast Fabian Schöppner about democratic practices and the important contexts for democracy support in the EU's Southern Neighbourhood.

The third episode featuring Professor Jamil Mouawad, American University of Beirut, is available at the following platform:

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