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ECR STS - huge success!

Last week we had our first ever ECR Sustainability Training School at Warwick! It has been a huge success, thanks to all the support we had received and our participants!

The ECR STS brought together participants from 26 countries, of different age, religion, philosophy, and discipline - embodying the very spirit of future solutions to sustainable development for a more resilient world. The participants enjoyed a great hospitality that only Warwick can offer 😉, including the weather! They also shared their individual research, with in-depth feedback, and learned to work together through team-building skills and group projects. They were exposed to innovative methods, public and policy engagement; and enjoyed their sustainability trails, and engagement with sustainability champions and strategic partner-networks. Team IGSD - well done - you rock!

#research #sustainabledevelopment #training #EarlyCareerResearchers #IGSD #EUTOPIA #MONASHAlliance #TheGUILD #UNSDSN UK

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