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ISA2024 in San Francisco

Last week Prof. Korosteleva attended the #ISA2024 conference in San Francisco as part of the #SHAPEDEM, #AGMOW and #WUB-hub projects. It was an amazingly fruitful experience: she chaired and acted as a discussant to a panel on #Community of Relations under threat: #SocietalResilience across #post-#Soviet space, and presented a paper on #Resilience in #CentralEurasia at the AGMOW panel chaired by Trine Flockhart. Together with Dr Chukitskaya she also met with the Association of Belarusians in America (ABA), and discussed a series of book launches with a focus on Belarus and the wider region.

@LesiaRudnik Karlstad University

@TatsianaChulitskaya Manchester Metropolitan University

Chiara Pierobon, PhD Washington University

Liv Nelsen SDU

Xing Li Aalborg University

@James Fielder Colorado

WUB-hub publication of the 'Belarus in the XXI century' book in Belarusian

The book 'Belarus in the XXI century: between dictatorship and democracy' edited by Elena Korosteleva, Irina Petrova and Anastassiia Kudlenko, is now translated into Belarusian, produced and published by Skaryna Press London on 7 April 2024! The book looks at the evolution of peoplehood in Belarus taking the year of 2020 as a watershed moment for the rise of the new political force in the country, called 'the People!'. This process of emergence is examined from historical, cultural, anthropological, economic and political perspectives. The book is available for order here.

WUB Hub film screening - "This Kind of Hope" followed by a conversation with Andrei Sannikov

On 20 March, the Warwick Ukraine-Belarus Hub (WUB Hub) organised a screening of the film This Kind of Hope about the life of Belarusian politician and activist Andrei Sannikov. The event was one of only three screenings of this powerful new documentary film in the UK, and was followed by an in person conversation with Andrei Sannikov who shared his views on the resistance to Lukashenka and the path ahead for Belarusians.

Thu 21 Mar 2024, 12:31 | Tags: 2024, WUB-hub project, Belarus, Paul Hansbury

Prof Elena Korosteleva & Dr Tatsiana Chulitskaya (WUB-Hub) were invited to train Future Leaders for Belarus at the invitation of John Smith Trust

At the invitation of John Smith Trust, Professor Elena Korosteleva and Dr Tatsiana Chulitskaya (WUB-hub) were invited to train the first cohort of the Future Leaders from Belarus in Oxford. This was a great opportunity to establish professional connections, and to offer feedback to the Action Plans of the JST Fellows. They are invited to be part of the WUB-hub conference on 28 June 2024, held in Europe House, with high-level policy, academic & practitioner stakeholders. The JST & IGSD will work together on developing a bespoke training programme for the future JST fellows at Warwick.

New member of the WUB-hub team - Dr Paul Hansbury joined us on 8 January 2024

Dr Paul Hansbury joined the WUB-hub project (and the IGSD team) as a lead researcher on Belarus and Ukraine examining the issues of democracy-building, conflict and war, geopolitics and EU strategies towards these countries and the wider neighbourhood. Welcome, Paul!

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