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New publication from the FIDELIO project on the relationship between social impacts and public support in the Eifel National Park, Germany

The FIDELIO team in IGSD have published a new journal article on the relationship between nature conservation in the Eifel National Park, Germany and the social impacts of, social equity in, and public support for the park as a biodiversity conservation policy. The findings are based on hundreds of responses from local residents living in and around the national park to an online public survey as part of the wider FIDELIO project. The article is fully open access and may be downloaded here:

McGinlay, J.; Holtvoeth, J.; Begley, A.; Dörstel, J.; Kockelmann, A.; Lammertz, M.; Malesios, C.; Jones, N. Perceived Social Impacts of Protected Areas, Their Influence on Local Public Support and Their Distribution across Social Groups: Evidence from the Eifel National Park, Germany, during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10848. .

Our researchers in Madagascar exploring poverty and deforestation

Baobab trees in Madagascar The last two weeks our Warwick colleagues Dr Herizo Andrianadrasana, Dr Jess Savage and Dr Chris Malesios have been visiting Madagascar to explore the impact of migration dynamics on the sustainable management of areas of high biodiversity value. The fieldwork is part of the project Migration & Management of Protected Areas, funded by the University of Warwick. It aims to unravel social-ecological complexities potentially linking poverty and deforestation and co-design of policy pathways with local stakeholders towards more effective and sustainable management of protected areas in the region. Through a number of workshops and meetings the research team, in collaboration with local partners, have been collecting data to understand people's insights and produce clear findings that can inform future policy decisions in one of the world's most important biodiversity hotspots.

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