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A new article published in Citizen Science: Theory and Practice

The following paper that features Dr Herizo Andrianandrasana (IGSD’s Research Fellow) has just been released for publication - it is open access.

Fraisl, D, See, L, Campbell, J, Danielsen, F and Andrianandrasana, TH. 2023. The Contributions of Citizen Science to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Other International Agreements and Frameworks. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 8(1): 27, pp. 1–6. DOI: opens in a new window

This article refers to the recent paper Participatory Ecological Monitoring (PEM): Participatory research methods for sustainability - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 31(4): 231–233. DOI: published in GAIA journal in Dec 2022.

The WRAP (Warwick Research Archive Portal) is already updated.

Great thanks to GSD/IGSD researchers who contributed to the review: Dr Jess Savage, Dr Camilla Audia, Dr Malesios Chrysovalantis

Thu 29 Jun 2023, 12:31 | Tags: IGSD publications 2023

Our researchers in Madagascar exploring poverty and deforestation

Baobab trees in Madagascar The last two weeks our Warwick colleagues Dr Herizo Andrianadrasana, Dr Jess Savage and Dr Chris Malesios have been visiting Madagascar to explore the impact of migration dynamics on the sustainable management of areas of high biodiversity value. The fieldwork is part of the project Migration & Management of Protected Areas, funded by the University of Warwick. It aims to unravel social-ecological complexities potentially linking poverty and deforestation and co-design of policy pathways with local stakeholders towards more effective and sustainable management of protected areas in the region. Through a number of workshops and meetings the research team, in collaboration with local partners, have been collecting data to understand people's insights and produce clear findings that can inform future policy decisions in one of the world's most important biodiversity hotspots.

    Why the Belarusian War for Freedom Matters

    As part of the SHAPEDEM project, and Oxford Belarus Observatory, we published a new piece at Carnegie Europe:

    The standoff between Belarusians & Lukashenka's regime continues. To ensure regional & global security, the EU needs a strategy to support the Belarusian people. By Tatsiana Chulitskaya & Elena Korosteleva opens in a new window

    IGSD regional engagement - Presentation in Stoke Primary School

    On Monday June 19 Dr Vangelis Pitidis visited community members at Stoke Primary school in Ball Hill, Coventry, as part of an internal project focusing on tackling air pollution in the area through participatory research methods. Dr Pitidis discussed the concept and potential practical use of Citizen Science tools and methods to support the engagement and participation of local communities in envirnmental issues, preparing the ground fo the Citizens' Jury sessions that will be taking place on the area later this year. More information about the project can be found here: Link opens in a new window 

    Tue 20 Jun 2023, 12:01 | Tags: Resilience Sustainable Cities Internal Funding 2023

    New publications from the FIDELIO project on public support for nature protected areas in Europe

    Nature protected areas are a key policy tool for biodiversity protection, and public support for protected areas is a key element for their success. Now in its final year, the FIDELIO project team have published two articles on their research into the social factors affecting public support for protected areas based on their statistical modelling work on thousands of public survey responses from across Europe. Both articles are fully open access and may be downloaded here:

    ‘Exploring local public support for protected areas: What social factors influence stated and active support among local people?’ Environmental Science and Policy, 145, 250-261. . 

    ‘Using perceived impacts, governance and social indicators to explain support for protected areas.’ Environmental Research Letters 18(5). .

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