Dr Pitidis attends RiskPACC 3rd Awareness Workshop
Dr Pitidis attended the EU-funded project RiskPACC 3rd Awareness Workshop organised at European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) and hosted by the 20th district City Hall in Paris between 12-13 February, representing the Warwick team.
The RiskPACC 3rd Awareness Workshop was organised by the RiskPACC team along with a Knowledge Exchange Event with Municipalities and local authorities from across Europe who were willing and eager to share views on the RiskPACC tools and solutions as well as best practices. Sharing past experiences as well as respective objectives is critical for the development of suitable, adaptive and fit for purpose solutions and methodologies and increase risk awareness and preparedness.
More information about the event can be found at the project websiteLink opens in a new window!
Celebrating Research Impact with IGSD
Celebrating Impact once again @uniofwarwick! Impact Newsletter Summer 2023 reminded us that @IGSD_UoW makes a strong impact across the board: Warm congrats to Dr Vangelis Pitidis once again for making a difference in the world as an Early Career Researcher!
RiskPACC - 2nd Awareness Workshop
On Wednesday 14 of June, Dr Pitidis participated in the 2nd Risk Awareness Workshop organised in Fraunhofer Forum in Berlin in the context of the EU Horizon 2020- funded project RiskPACC. The purpose of this workshop was to present the outputs of the project during the first two years of its development and implementation as well as to present some of the technical solutions developed and tested in different case studies to external observer cities that might be interested in adopting similar two-way communication tools between citizens and Civil Protection authorities. The workshop included a full practical session where the technical solutions to enhance disaster preparedness and response were tested by the participants.
Engaging Citizens to expand understandings of risks, vulnerabilities and data collection opportunities
This is an interview provided by Prof. Jon CoaffeeLink opens in a new window and IGSD's Dr. Vangelis PitidisLink opens in a new window from the University of Warwick, leaders of the EU H2020-funded proJECT RiskPACC Work Package 2 '“Engaging Citizens to expand understandings of risks, vulnerabilities and data collection opportunities”. In this interview WP2 leaders present the outcomes of the work undertaken in the contex of their Work Package, but also express some general ideas regarind the overall contribution of Warwick University in the Project.
RiskPACC: 2nd External Workshop – Municipality Of Rafina- Pikermi
Dr Vangelis Pitidis, Assistant Professor at IGSD, attended the 2nd workshop on Bridging the Risk Perception and Action Gap that took place in the context of the RiskPACC project in the City Hall of the Municipality of Rafina-Pikermi in Greece. The workshop was very successful, with over 30 participants from the Fire Brigade of the region, the Civil Protection of the Region and the Municipality, volunteer groups, local schools, as well as citizens of various ages.