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Our People

We are a close-knit department within the School for Cross-faculty Studies and our students benefit from the expertise of a wide range of academics from across the University as well as from the undivided attention of our dedicated team of Liberal Arts academics, support staff, and administrative team.

Where to find us: Our department is based in the Ramphal Building on central campus. Our Undergraduate Office is in room R3.38, on the third floor of the Ramphal Building. The office is open each day during term time for in-person visits.

For general enquiries: Please contact LiberalArts at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Athena SWAN

The School for Cross-faculty Studies was awarded a Bronze Athena Swan Award in September 2021 and is now engaged in implementing its five-year Athena Swan Action Plan.

Dr Jane Webb
Dr Jane Webb
Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies | Reader

Email: Jane dot A dot Webb at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: R3.32 (Ramphal Building)

Office hours: Mondays 2-3 pm and Wednesdays 12:30-1:30 pm. Book an appointment.

Research interests: Dress histories, object histories, collections, archive and museum histories, colour theories, design histories, histories of place, creative methodologies and design thinking, history of emotions.

Dr Bryan Brazeau
Dr Bryan Brazeau
Associate Professor | Head of Liberal Arts | Director of Undergraduate Studies (Liberal Arts) | Study Abroad Coordinator (Liberal Arts)

Email: B dot Brazeau at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: R3.31 (Ramphal Building)

Office hours for term 3 23/24 by appointment: Book an appointment.

Research interests: History of liberal arts education (from ancient world to present day), early modern poetics, Italian renaissance epic (Boiardo, Ariosto, Tasso), Christian epic (Sannazaro, Vida, Tasso, Milton), Dante and medieval philosophy, Counter-Reformation culture, history of emotions and affect theory, early modern reception of Virgil and Aristotle, digital humanities, translation studies (Italian-English, neo-Latin), interdisciplinary and multilingual pedagogies, transviciniar learning.

Dr Lauren Bird
Dr Lauren Bird
Assistant Professor | Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes (Liberal Arts)

Email: Lauren dot Bird at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: R3.32 (Ramphal Building)

Research interests: Gender dynamics in families, social inequalities in health, family structures and implications for family well-being and child development.

Danelle Gutarro Cordero
Dr Dannelle Gutarra Cordero

Assistant Professor | Director of Student Experience and Progression (Liberal Arts) | Widening Participation Lead

Email: Dannelle dot Gutarra-Cordero at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: R3.34 (Ramphal Building)

Research interests: African American Studies, Latin American Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, intersectional modern intellectual history of the Atlantic World, scientific racism.

Dr Kim Lockwood Clough

Assistant Professor | Director of Admissions (Liberal Arts)

Email: Kim dot Lockwood-Clough at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: R3.17 (Ramphal Building)

Research interests: Cultures of emotion and embodiment in American and European modernism, discourses and lived experiences of feeling.

Dr William Rupp. Dr Rupp is smiling at the camera, wearing a suit
Dr William Rupp
Assistant Professor | Senior Tutor (School for Cross-faculty Studies)

Email: W dot H dot Rupp at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: R3.17 (Ramphal Building)

Office hours: Thursdays 12:30 - 1:30 pm or by appointment.

Research interests: Travel and identity formation in 18th century Britain; antiquarianism; social mobility in early modern society; politeness; gender; landscape and the built environment; pedagogy.

Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper
Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper
Associate Professor | Director of Education (School for Cross-Faculty Studies)

Email: G dot E dot Schwartz-Leeper at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: R3.34 (Ramphal Building). Book an appointment.

Office hours: Tuesdays 4-5 pm.

Research interests: Transdisciplinary early modern European studies (book history, political and religious literature, historiography); Higher education pedagogies (especially liberal education and radical pedagogies); critical game studies (especially in a historical context), and anarchist/revolutionary studies.

Administrative staff
Julia Gretton
Julia Gretton
Senior Departmental Administrator

Email: J dot Gretton at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: R3.29A (Ramphal Building)

Heather Robson
Heather Robson
Postgraduate Programmes' Manager

Email: Heather dot Robson at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: R3.10/12 (Ramphal Building)

Kelsey Tod
Kelsey Tod
Interdisciplinary Programmes Officer

Email: Kelsey dot Tod at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: R3.38 (Ramphal Building)


Support staff

Bodrun Nahar
Bodrun Nahar

Employability and Placement Manager

Email: Bodrun dot Nahar at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: R3.29A (Ramphal Building)

Office hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 11 am - 1 pm, Thursday 2-4 pm. Book an appointment.

Richard Perkins, Liberal Arts Librarian
Richard Perkins
Academic Support Librarian

Email: R dot Perkins at warwick dot ac dot uk

Picture of David Molyneux
David Molyneux
Careers Services Manager

Email: David dot Molyneux at warwick dot ac dot uk

Appointments available, please contact David via email to arrange