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WATE 2024 - winners

Congratulations to all WATE Winners!

We are excited to announce the winners of the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence.

The standard of nominees this year was exceptionally high, and all those nominated can be proud of their achievements. Thank you to the hundreds of people who took the time to make a nomination, and to the judges who faced the unenviably task of selecting our winners from an incredibly strong field.

Faculty awards

WATE Winners

Arts Faculty award

Winner: Freya Verlander (SCAPVC)

Highly Commended: Ian Farnell (SCAPVC)

Commended: Yinghong Shang (School of Modern Languages and Cultures)

WATE Winners

Social Sciences Faculty award

Winner: Emma Austin (School of Law)

Highly Commended: Kerem Öge (Politics and International Studies)

Commended: Sivamohan Valluvan (Sociology)

WATE Winners

SEM Faculty award

Winner: Luke Hodson (Psychology)

Highly Commended: Tom Ritchie (Chemistry)

Commended: Robert Huckstepp (Life Sciences)

WATE Winners

Collaborative award

Winner: Designing Together Team (WIHEA project team)

Highly Commended: 

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Team (WMG/WBS)


Life Sciences First Year Tutorial Team (Life Sciences)


WATE Winners

Community & Culture award

Winner: WBS Masters Management and Operations Subteams (WBS)

Postgraduates who teach award

the winners



Elizabeth Sharrock (English)

Hande Cayir (SCAPVC)


Owain Burrell (English)

Andy Irwin (English)

the winners

Social Sciences


Gabriel du Plessis (Sociology)

Yiran Xu (WBS)


Bruna Picas i Prats (Philosophy)

Carys Hill (Sociology)

the winners



Alina Bendt (Physics)

Mabilly Cox (Chemistry)


Zhizhuo Su (WMG)

Owen Tooley (Chemistry)