Designing and Assessing Group work

Assessed group work features across academic disciplines and most students at Warwick will experience it at some point in their learning journey. Working in groups to create academic outputs may be enjoyable and rewarding. However, it may also create tensions and challenges. This Open Learning Circle exists to explore ways in which some of these challenges may be alleviated when group tasks are initially conceived. We will also consider fairness in the assessment of group work, in particular looking for approaches which help to ensure that the assessment of group work is more representative of the efforts of each of those involved. We would particularly welcome input from student fellows.
Agreed Common Goals
- To reach an agreed working definition of student group work for this Learning Circle
- To gather and reflect on student experiences of group work (especially design and assessment of group tasks)
- To explore existing research and scholarship from both within and beyond Warwick on what makes a good group task
- To collate examples of good practice
- To provide helpful guidance for those designing group tasks with examples of effective group tasks
- To provide helpful guidance on effective approaches to assessing group tasks
Outcomes for the 2023/24 academic year:
- Create and publish Warwick “how-to” guide on the design and assessment of group tasks (staff, student or both)
- Workshop launching the "how to" guide
- Case studies of successful group work (e.g. video examples)
Current group members
- Ali Ahmad
- Mujthaba Ahtamad (co-lead)
- Julia Brettschneider
- Teresa Brunsdon
- Sophie Cookson
- Juliana Cunha Carneiro Pinto
- Jan Davison
- Rosa Fernandez
- Atisha Ghosh
- Thomas Greenaway (co-lead)
- Sam Grierson
- Neha Gupta
- Luke Hodson
- Nicholas Hopcroft
- Robert Huckstepp
- Edwina Jones
- Joanne Lee
- Jenny Lloyd
- Thomas Popham
- Dot Powell
- Tom Ritchie
- Karoline Schneider
- Rebecca Stone
- Amy Stickels
- Zi Wang
- Isleide Zissimos
Anyone interested in joining the Learning Circle should contact Thomas Greenaway ( or Mujthaba Ahtamad (
Please note any Staff or Students who are not a WIHEA Fellow, Alumni or current WIHEA Member who wish to join an Open Learning Circle, are required to become a WIHEA Member. This will enable you to be kept informed of WIHEA activities and progress on a range of Learning Circles and Projects, so that understanding of WIHEA’s strategic aims and links to other similar work in this area can be made more easily. Please see further information on our WIHEA Membership.