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Neurodiversity Toolkit and Creating Inclusive Departments

Incorporating Inclusivity as a Department can help set standards of inclusion across different parts of the students' experience.

Advice from Students

This video is a compilation of advice given by neurodivergent students in improving communication within a department.

By Undergraduate Research Assistant Robyn Ellison

Including Student Voices

The unique student experience of being neurodivergent, but also at Warwick specifically, means it is important that we engage with the voices of our students.

We can engage with students: SSLC reps, feedback forms, conversations, and open regular feedback in the department.

Students will feel more empowered and engaged in their studies if they feel that they are being listened to. Most of the adjustments are not time-consuming or large but will have a significant effect on your disabled students.

Disability Representative

The Psychology Department has a Disability Rep who joins the SSLC meetings. Meet Daisy, a first-year student who explains why her role is useful in the representation of disabled voices.


Transcript of Interview with Daisy

Inclusive Events

Neurodiverse Friendly Events

  • Have up-to-date relevant information that is accessible, so students who are neurodiverse have the opportunity to prepare for up coming events and often value routine, structure and clear communication.
  • Consider the physical access to the event. For example, considering the sensory needs of some of the students, is there a way to reduce the noise or business of the event (have a quiet hour, breakout space, host the event across different spaces etc).
  • UCL guidance on tips to make events accessible

Welcome Week

  • Readily available and easily accessible information for neurodiverse and disabled students about support within the department and signposting to relevant support from the university.
  • Consider creating events within the department that are an alternative e.g., a well-being session.
  • Consider having alternative ways students can access important information (aka, uploading information after year group meetings).
  • Embed UCAS advice on transitioning to university.

Academic Departmental Contact

Interview conducted by Inchara Atherya

Disability Champion

A Disability Champion can be a point of contact within your department to support disabled students in certain aspects of studying or university life (such as applying for disability services).

It is a great way for students to have a designated person in their department and may reduce fears students may have surrounding talking and disclosing their disability.

Example of Disability Champion

Increasing Inclusion in Department


Community Values Education Programme: engage students and staff with activities and training.

Awareness and Celebration

Sunflower Lanyard: Hidden Disability Scheme

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Careers Advice

There can be significant barriers to those with neurodiversity and disability when applying for jobs and planning for a career. Most departments will have a specific careers lead and incorporating neurodiverse and disability-specific advice can promote better prospects and engagement of students.

Employment & Careers • Disabled Students UK

Making Career Events Accessible

Disability Confident Employer

Widening Participation Student Network

Promote the Widening Participation Student Network which aims to provide current students from widening participation (WP) backgrounds, (undergraduate or postgraduate) Students can meet peers, share experiences, find out about opportunities that are available to them and gain insight into a wide variety of topics.

Widening Participation Student Network

Peer Mentoring Scheme

Peer Mentoring

A peer mentoring programme for your first-years can improve the transition into University. Including Peer Mentors who are disabled increases the opportunities for disabled students to support and network with each other.

Medical School Exemplar

We set up a specific mentoring programme aimed at the transition period between preclinical (theoretical) learning and clinical (placement) learning on our course. This was concerning the transition being particularly difficult for ND students and a lack of support around RAs for other forms of disability.

- WMS Disability Network, Kirsten


Challenging Misperceptions

Students who are neurodiverse may experience discrimination, and misperceptions and be victims of bad behaviour. Enabling a culture and environment where bad behaviour can be challenged and reported, students know how to report and who to report to and inclusivity is advocated for by the department. It is difficult for some neurodiverse students to report instances of discrimination and bad behaviour, it may be because of different communication challenges or not feeling empowered after other negative educational (or other) experiences.

Procedure for Complaints

Unfortunately, students with neurodivergent conditions may be victims of discriminatory actions, language or treatment. As a department, it is important to have advertised a place where students can go to give complaints about their experience, where they will be listened to and respected.

Options for reporting discrimination or bad behaviour can be promoted across the department, for example, a student representative panel or a disability champion.

Neurodivergent students at university have reported experiences of being bullied, being rejected and stonewalling (Clouder et al., 2020)

Types of Discrimination

Student-Lived Experiences

Animation by Undergraduate Research Assistant Robyn Ellison.

Inclusive Spaces

Sensory Rooms

Sensory rooms are devoted spaces that allow the individual to be in complete control of the sensory stimulation of all the senses. The equipment within the room means the individual can change different aspects (such as lights, sound, and chairs) to suit their needs. Having a dedicated space within your department would allow students to reset and escape from experiences on campus that can be overstimulating and allow a space that means students can continuously participate in university life.

Warwick Library Sensory Rooms

University of Wollongong (Australia) and their Multi-Sensory Rooms

Sensory Room Guide - Cardiff University

Allocated Quiet Study Spaces

Dedicated quiet study spaces will not only benefit neurodiverse students but the majority of your student body.

It may just be for a certain time, or one room that is not used regularly in the department, but it creates a safe space within the department for your students. Especially when other study spaces across the University can become extremely busy and loud and the department will hopefully be a familiar space to students.

Teaching Spaces

It is a common experience that the intensity and largeness of lectures, tutorials, and seminars are overwhelming to neurodiverse students.

  • Allocating the final two rows in a lecture theatre for students who need it.
  • Be aware of lighting, sounds, and other sensory issues (many of these things may be out of your control, but being able to adapt some of them could help).
  • Try not to point out anyone - some students may wear ear defenders or have interpreters. It is better to not bring attention to them.