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Pride in Progress: Diversity & Inclusion Training

Embark on a transformative journey with our "Pride in Progress" workshops, a series in inclusive excellence designed exclusively for our University community. Crafted with the expertise of our own community members, this program offers a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding, enhance your confidence, and actively engage with LGBTQUIA+ inclusion practices.

Through a series of dynamic workshops, you'll gain practical guidance and insights, leveraging the collective wisdom and best practices from across our University. Coupled with asynchronous resources for self-education and individualised support, this initiative stands as a beacon for change, aiming to foster a more inclusive culture within our community. Join us to become a pivotal part of this inclusive movement, where every workshop is a step towards personal growth and collective excellence.

Sessions are now paused for the summer period and will resume in October 2024.

Foundation Sessions

Foundation Sessions lay the groundwork for understanding and embracing LGBTQUIA+ inclusion, offering essential insights and building blocks for inclusive practices. These introductory workshops are tailored to equip participants with the core knowledge and skills necessary to foster a supportive and welcoming environment for all.

LGBTQUIA+ Foundations
29th April, 11am-1pm or
30th May, 2-4pm

Trans Foundations
24th April, 2-4pm or
15th May, 1-3pm

Practical Allyship Sessions

These sessions delve into the practical aspects of advocacy and support, focusing on critical areas like inclusive pronoun practices and challenging LGBTQphobia. The workshops equip participants with the strategies and tools needed to actively contribute to a more inclusive and respectful community.

Practical LGBTQUIA+ Allyship 101
7th May, 1-3pm

LGBTQUIA+ Inclusive Data Collection
13th May, 2-4pm

Challenging Incorrect Pronouns and Misgendering
21st May, 2-4pm

Challenging anti-LGBTQUIA+ behaviour
30th May, 11am-1pm

LGBTQUIA+ Inclusive Language
4th June, 11am-1pm

Signposting to LGBTQUIA+ Support
12th June, 2-4pm

Role-Specific Sessions

Our role-specific sessions are meticulously designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities of key roles within our community, including those who regularly chair meetings, line managers, personal tutors, and those who teach. Each session focuses on embedding LGBTQUIA+ inclusive practices, supporting participants to champion inclusivity and create a culture of inclusion.

17th June, 11am-1pm

Personal Tutoring

Teaching & Learning

Line Management
19th June, 11am-1pm

28th June, 11am-1pm

Register for sessions