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Pride Pathways

Welcome to the Pride Pathways initiative...

Pride Pathways is a groundbreaking community-based initiative designed by and for LGBTQUIA+ staff at the University of Warwick. Rooted in our community's longstanding spirit of solidarity and mutual support, Pride Pathways is dedicated to addressing the gaps in pay and progression that our LGBTQUIA+ community faces.

In response to these disparities, our collective effort is focused on empowering each other to navigate and dismantle barriers to professional development and career progression. We believe in leveraging our shared experiences, skills, and resources to not only support but lift up our fellow LGBTQUIA+ colleagues.

Pride Pathways offers...

CV and Application Writing Assistance

Receive personalised guidance and feedback to create compelling CVs and job applications that highlight your strengths, experiences, and contributions.

Career Pathway Planning

Assistance in mapping out your career trajectory,setting short-term and long-term goals, and developing strategies to overcome the specific challenges you may face.

Identification of Suitable Role Opportunities

Support to identify and secure opportunities for professional development and career advancement, including acting-up positions, secondments, voluntary roles, and new roles that match your career aspirations.

Community Support and Connection

Connection with other LGBTQUIA+ staff who can offer you guidance, share their lived experiences, and support your career aspirations.

Interview Skills Support

Benefit from mock interviews, strategies for navigating interview questions, and coaching on presentation skills, aimed at boosting your skills and confidence at interview.

Identification of Professional Development Opportunities

Support to find workshops, courses, and other development opportunities that align with your career goals. This includes leadership training, skill advancement, and specialized workshops on navigating LGBTQUIA+ issues in the workplace.

Support Navigating Disclosures

A supportive space to discuss issues relating to disclosures of LGBTQUIA+ identity in professional settings, with confidential advice that empowers you to make informed decisions about if, how, and when to approach personal disclosures.

How does it work?

We warmly invite all LGBTQUIA+ colleagues to join us in the Pride Pathways initiative. Here, we recognize that each of us holds a dual role: we are both supporters and seekers of support, contributing to and benefiting from the collective wisdom, experiences, and strengths of our LGBTQUIA+ community at Warwick.

This initiative is built on the understanding that we all have something valuable to offer and, equally, much to learn and gain from one another. Whether you’re looking to share your own insights, seek guidance, or simply connect with others on a similar journey, Pride Pathways is about co-creating a space where everyone is empowered to grow, both personally and professionally, within a framework of mutual support and understanding.