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Pronoun Badges

Why pronoun badges are important

Wearing a pronoun badge (and encouraging others to) helps normalise the non-assumption of pronouns, which reduces the frequency with which trans people are misgendered. It's therefore an effective act of allyship with the trans community.

For trans people, pronoun badges are also an important tool to facilitate sharing their pronouns.

You can find out more about pronouns in our introductory guide to pronoun use, and guide to challenging incorrect pronouns and misgendering.

When pronoun badges are useful

In addition to wearing a pronoun badge yourself, it's helpful to make pronoun badges available when you are bringing together people who don't already know each other well.

If you are organising a workshop, conference, or summer school, it's helpful to have a bowl of pronoun badges for participants on arrival. Alternatively, you can include a section for pronouns on name tags or delegate badges.

Community tip: If you pin your pronoun badge to your lanyard, you don't have to remember to pin and unpin it from your clothes.

Where you can get pronoun badges

If you would like a pronoun badge for yourself, or a small number of badges for your peers, you can collect them from the tray of badges in the seating area opposite Senate House Reception.

If you're unable to locate the badges, or would like a larger number of pronoun badges (such as for your departmental reception or common area, or for an event you're organising) please contact the Queering University programme team. Please include:

  • how many badges of each type you require,
  • any deadline for receiving the badges, and
  • where the badges should be sent to.

Please indicate if this is likely to be a recurring request, so that we can manage our annual restock of badges effectively.

This project is part of the Queering University programme, which offers a wide variety of further resources, events, initiatives and support.