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Queering University Guidance & Resources

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The Queering University programme also offers a full schedule of events and other opportunities for staff and students who want to engage with queer and LGBTQUIA+ practices.

Have a question? Contact the programme team, or use our anonymous question-answering service.

Terminology & Language

One significant area of LGBTQUIA+ inclusive practice relates to language, including pronouns and gendered language, and the way in which we collect data. These resources have been created to support you develop inclusive practice in this area.

Introduction to key LGBTQUIA+ terms and concepts

This resource introduces key LGBTQUIA+ concepts in an accessible way, covering essential terminology.

Glossary of LGBTQUIA+ terms

A non-exhaustive glossary offering definitions of key LGBTQUIA+ terms (including indicators for outdated language).

Inclusive language

This resource highlights key elements of LGBTQUIA+ inclusive language, which is an important element of LGBTQUIA+ inclusive practice and allyship.

Pronouns: An Introduction

This guide covers what pronouns are, how they're used, how to ask someone's pronouns and share your own, and what to do if you make a mistake.

Names at Warwick

This guide sets out the appropriate use of chosen names and legal name data at Warwick.

Non-Binary Identities

The Non-Binary Wiki offers this helpful directory of common non-binary identities.

Person-centred definitions of intersex traits

InterACT's glossary of people-centered definitions of intersex traits & variations in sex characteristics.

Inclusive Practice & Allyship

Gender & LGBTQUIA+ data collection best practice

This guide supports the implementation of LGBTQUIA+ inclusive data collection.

Pronouns Pledge

Our pronouns pledge sets out six simple actions engage with inclusive best practice on pronouns, and to build a movement of people taking these steps together.

Challenging Incorrect Pronouns & Misgendering

An introduction to what misgendering looks like in practice, and how to respond when you are a witness to it.

Inclusive language

This resource highlights key elements of LGBTQUIA+ inclusive language, which is an important element of LGBTQUIA+ inclusive practice and allyship.

Bi+ Inclusion

This resource covers seven key areas of bi+ inclusion for bi+ allies, alongside external resources of interest.

Say My Name

This project explores respectful interactions around names, offering a wide range of resources on the topic.

Email Signature (pronouns)

University brand guidance for email signatures, including how to display your pronouns.

Microsoft Profile (pronouns)

A guide to adding your pronouns to your Microsoft Profile, visible within Teams and Outlook.

Pronoun Badges

The programme offers free pronoun badges to staff and students, as well as for distribution at staff- and student-led events.

Active Bystander Intervention

Active bystanders prevent harm in their communities. Develop knowledge, skills, and confidence to make safe, effective interventions in response to inappropriate behaviours.

Understanding & Challenging Microaggressions

Information on what microaggressions look like in practice, their impact, and effective strategies when responding to microaggressions.

LGBTQ+ Considerations for Equality Impact Assessments

An Equality Impact Assessment is a way to check that our work doesn't disadvantage or discriminate against people. EIAs help to design and deliver better and inclusive services, projects, and procedures.

LGBTQUIA+ Staff and Student Experience Insight

LGBTQUIA+ Student Experience Insight

A growing collection of insights into LGBTQUIA+ students' experiences at Warwick.

LGBTQUIA+ Staff Experience Insight

LGBTQUIA+ staff experiences insight from the 2022 staff culture survey.

Diversity Monitoring at Warwick

Social Inclusion overview of the demographic data collected at Warwick.

HEPI's 'Trans and non-binary student experiences in UK HE' (2024)

This report draws together new and existing survey data and interviews to track the trans and NB student experience from application, through study, to life after graduation.

Office for Students' student characteristics data

These pages focus on student characteristics data for those studying at English higher education providers, including student outcomes.

Unite Students Applicant Index (2023)

Unite Students' annual Applicant Index surveys UK university students and compares the findings year-on-year, with demographic breakdown analysis for LGBTQ+ students.

NBinHE's 'Non-Binary Genders in HE' survey findings report (2023)

A report on the initial survey findings from the Non-Binary Genders in HE: Lived Experiences, Imagined Futures project.

Census 2021 LGBTQ+ Insight

A summary of insight gathered from the Census 2021.

Stonewall's 'LGBT in Britain' University report (2018)

Based on YouGov research, this report by Stonewall reveals LGBT students face concerning levels of discrimination in British universities.

Stonewall's 'Next Steps' University report (2021)

In partnership with UCAS, this Stonewall research focuses on next steps for improving LGBTQ+ student experiences in higher education.

LGBTQUIA+ Community Groups

Warwick Pride

The student-led association for LGBTQUIA+ students at the University. The association operates a 'parenting scheme' and 'befriending service'.

LGBTQUIA+ Staff Network

The staff-led network for LGBTQUIA+ staff at the University. The network operates a buddy scheme.

Trans Community Support Group

A space for trans and questioning people to explore trans & gender identity issues in a relaxed environment.


LGBTQUIA+ Support Directory

This resource brings together sources of support for LGBTQUIA+ students and staff, across 16+ key areas including estrangement, homelessness, and mental health.

Supporting LGBTQUIA+ People

This resource brings together sources of advice, support, and resources for those supporting LGBTQUIA+ people, across a wide range of key issues.

Guide to being trans at Warwick

This guide brings together key information on processes, policies, services, and groups trans people may need or want to engage with.

All-gender facilities directory

This directory includes the location of all-gender toilets, changing rooms, and showers across campus.

LGBTQUIA+ coming out tool

LGBTQUIA+ students and staff may wish to use this tool to support coming out to others within the University community.

Trans coming out tool

Trans students and staff may wish to use this tool to support coming out as trans to others within the University community.

Coming out support

This section of our LGBTQUIA+ support resource focuses on support coming out.

Personal tutor guide

A student-created guide for personal tutors supporting LGBTQUIA+ tutees.

Names at Warwick

This guide sets out how to change your chosen name and legal name data, and where each will be used.

Trans Visitors to Warwick

This resource offers key information of relevance to trans visitors at the University, including all-gender toilet facilities. It can be shared directly with visitors.

Teaching & Learning

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Teaching: the Ward-Gale Model

Guidance on LGBTQ+ inclusive teaching, for both the planned and hidden curriculum, applying the Ward-Gale model of LGBTQ+ inclusive curricula.

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Teaching Prompts

A series of reflective and practical questions to support with implementation of the Ward-Gale model of LGBTQ+ inclusive teaching.

Trans-inclusive teaching guidance

This resource brings together practical advice for gender-diverse and trans-inclusive teaching & learning.

Warwick T&L case studies

This collection of case studies provides examples of staff and students supporting queer and LGBTQUIA+ inclusive teaching & learning.

Introduction to queer pedagogy

Hannah Ayres offers an introduction to queer, queer theory, and queer pedagogy.

Queer & Trans Pedagogies Learning Circle

The group engages in discussion, explores existing literature and practice, and shares teaching and learning practices, as well as exploring the LGBTQUIA+ student learning experience.

Peer Advance contacts

These contacts can support you with specific areas of your teaching & learning practices, including queer pedagogy and trans-inclusive T&L.

Peer dialogue

Peer dialogue enables you to engage in a constructive discussion about enhancing student learning and/ or the wider student experience.

Trans-inclusive & queer pedagogy reading list

The Library's reading list for trans-inclusive and queer teaching offers 40+ sources of interest.

What is queer theory?

This Perlego study guide is a good starting point for those who would like to learn about queer theory.

Trauma-Informed Practices for Postsecondary Education

Research regarding the impacts of trauma on learning and development, followed by guidance on how to recognise trauma and strategies to meet the needs of trauma-affected learners.

LGBTQUA+ history sources at the MRC

The Modern Records Centre's collections include documents which highlight experiences and changing perceptions relating to sexuality during the 20th century.

External T&L resources

LGBTQUIA+ Non-Fiction Reading List

This broad-ranging list of non-fiction books with an LGBTQUIA+ focus was compiled by Ares Osborn. Entries are tagged by format, topic, intersections, and identities of relevance, making it an accessible source for finding the book you need.

Intersecting Resources

Anti-Racist Pedagogies

Decolonising Education


Disability & Mental Health

Part-time, Commuter, Distance and Mature Students

HIV+ Students

Estranged Students

Asylum seeker and refugee students

Trauma-informed Education

Wellbeing Pedagogies

Values-Related Teaching Activities

Digital Pedagogies

Digital Accessibility

Peer Dialogue