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Leadership for Educational Transformation Programme (Ukraine)

Ukraine participants group picture

The University of Warwick’s Leadership for Educational Transformation has been created in collaboration with the Ukrainian Leadership AcademyLink opens in a new window, Ukraine Ministry of Education and ScienceLink opens in a new window, and Ministry of Digital Transformation in support of the Education Reform VisionLink opens in a new window (Viziya). The programme will introduce change concepts and methods as well as educational concepts and approaches, aimed to support the planned Reform and the long-term regeneration of education in Ukraine (secondary and tertiary education). The programme supports rethinking of education at three levels: micro (teaching and learning in the classroom), meso (organisation, management and leadership at institutional or school level) and macro (steering, policy, assurance, legal and strategic development at national level). Participants of the programme will have the possibility to continue their learning at Masters level through a further programme at the University of Warwick in collaboration with EU and Ukrainian partners.

Three residential modules, with online delivered seminars afterwards, are available. Participants are also able to take Masters level assessments which lead to the achievement of a Postgraduate Award. The Postgraduate Awards can be used as part of a full Masters in Professional Education, delivered by the Centre for Teacher Education.

Key facts

Over 250 applicants from across the education sector have expressed interest in the programme and 40 were selected to join the first cohort.

To date 30+ members of Warwick staff 10+ external experts on post conflict reconstruction, and several local school leaders have contributed to the programme.

The knowledge exchange partnership includes the Ukrainian Leadership Academy, Ukraine's Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Digital Transformation.

This programme was founded by Dr Bo Kelestyn and is hosted by the School of Education, Learning and Communication Sciences (SELCS).


Module one was provided as a Summer School (8-15 September 2023) focusing on macro level insight into how Education is affected at a cross national level by war and crisis.

Module two is provided as a residential (29 January - 2 February 2024) at Warwick, focusing on meso level understanding of the leadership challenges of providing educational change and resilience during war and crisis.

Module three is also a residential (17-26 May 2024) and focuses on micro level challenges of the delivery of teaching and supporting of learning during and post war.

Key staff contacts: Dr Bo Kelestyn and Prof Gwen van der Velden

Programme details Module 3

17 May - 26 May 2024 (details and timings may change)

This module takes the form of immersive design-led learning. Participants will be working in groups, taking on design and leadership responsibilities in a realistic simulation. By doing this, the academic content provided in lectures and seminars is brought to life, whilst at the same time, a thorough understanding of pedagogic innovation and design of teaching can be developed.

Every day participants will be taking on a specific step of the design process. They will be asked to present (one of each group) on their progress towards the big questions and stumbling blocks at the end of each day. Each team will focus on the design of a specific part of a simulation, bringing their work together, exchanging feedback, and engaging in a meaningful and reflective design dialogue that will help to deepen learning and contribute towards group and individual assessed work.

Friday 17th May


Saturday 18th May

11:00 Welcome and induction at the Teaching Grid, University Library

Participants will be introduced to the programme and any new members of the cohort will be given an opportunity to familiarise with the physical and digital teaching and learning spaces, access reading materials, ask questions and prepare for the start of the programme.

11:30 Introductions and participant profiles

12:00 Reflective roundtable

Selected participants from previous modules will be invited to present and share their insights from the previous module, reflections on assessment, and impact on their practice.

Sunday 19th May

Social programme

Monday 20th May - Foundations of design for education and educators

9.00 Welcome by Professor George Christou, Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (Europe) of the University of Warwick & a senior official from Ukraine (joining virtually), followed by introduction of key tutors, organisers and participants

9:30-10:30 Positionality and identity as an educational leader

10:30-11:00 Reflection and sharing

11:00 Coffee break

11:30-12:30 Design Project Zero (DP0) - introduction to design thinking as a learner-centred innovation mindset and methodology

12:30-13:00 Reflection and sharing

13:00 Lunch

14:00-15:00 Designing constructively aligned outcomes-based teaching and learning

15:00 Tea break

15:30-16:00 Community engagement and lessons from the Warwick's award winning Learning Design Consultancy Unit (LDCU)

16:00-17:00 Reflections and team task

Monday sessions will be facilitated by Associate Professors Dr Bo Kelestyn and Jess HumphreysLink opens in a new window and Assistant Professor Jo KukuczkaLink opens in a new window

Tuesday 21st May - Principles of participatory design and design for belonging

9:00-10:30 Introduction to design for belonging

10:30-11:00 Reflection and sharing

11:00 Coffee break

11:30-13:00 Design for social resilience and belonging

13:00 Lunch

14:00-15:00 Community engagement for belonging

15:00 Tea break

15:30-16:00 Q&A, reflections and sharing

16:00-17:00 Reflections and team task

Tuesday sessions will be facilitated by Associate Professor Dr Bo KelestynLink opens in a new window, Assistant Professors Adela Glyn-DaviesLink opens in a new window, and Dr Elizabeth ChantLink opens in a new window, MASc in Community, Engagement and Belonging student and WIHEA Fellow Inca Hide-Wright and Coventry Youth ActivistsLink opens in a new window

Wednesday 22nd May - Designing inclusive and trauma informed systems

9:00-10:30 Introduction to systems thinking

10:30-13:00 Trauma informed approaches to teaching and learning

11:00 Coffee break

13:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Designing and embedding pastoral care structures (UA context: mentoring support)

15:30 Tea break

14:00-17:00 Reflections and team task

Wednesday sessions will be facilitated by Associate Professors Dr Bo KelestynLink opens in a new window, Helen NolanLink opens in a new window, Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper Link opens in a new window

Thursday 23rd May - Designing digitally powered teaching and learning

9:00-10:00 Recap and reflect

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-12:00 Digital communities

12:00-13:00 Digital communities (remote speaker - blended session)

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Futures thinking (remote speaker - blended session)

15:30-16:00 Tea break

16:00-17:00 Reflections and team task

Thursday sessions will be facilitated by Head of Digital Learning at the University of Warwick Dr Matt StreetLink opens in a new window, Dean of Online and Digital Education at the University of Leeds Margaret KorosecLink opens in a new window, and Vice-President, Learning Design & Analytics at Western Governors University (USA) Joann KozyrevLink opens in a new window.

Friday 24th May - Towards facilitative leadership

9:00-10:30 Leadership development for conflict and crisis

10:30 Coffee break

11:00-13:00 Empowering educators and nurturing communities

13:00 Lunch

14:00-15:00 Group assessment

15:00 Tea break

15:30-17:00 Group assessment

Friday sessions will be facilitated by Professor Gwen van der VeldenLink opens in a new window and Head of the Centre for Teacher Education Dr Andy HindLink opens in a new window and Associate Professor Jonty LeeseLink opens in a new window.

Saturday 25th May

LET Conference, celebration reception and close of programme (all closed events - by invite only)

Sunday 26th May


Programme details Module 2

29 January - 2 February 2024 (details and timings may change)

This module takes the form of immersive case-based learning. Participants will be working in groups, taking on leadership responsibilities in a realistic simulation and address scenarios provided. By doing this, the academic content provided in lectures and seminars is brought to life, whilst at the same time, a thorough understanding of stakeholder management and change management processes can be developed.

Every day there will be a specific task (simulation). You will be asked to present (one of each group) to the other organisations on that task. Those participants who actually work in the type of organisation you ‘lead’ this week, will be asked to provide you with feedback and insight. Similarly, you will be asked to provide feedback to the team that presents on the type of organisation you work in yourself.

Pre-residential introduction

Participants will receive an invite for an online meeting for introduction to the programme on 23rd January. For participants who have not participated in Module 1, there will also be an online opportunity to cover necessary content.

Monday 29 January Leadership roles and responsibilities

9.00 Gathering and registration at the Teaching Grid, University Library

9.30 Welcome by Prof Stuart Croft, Vice Chancellor of the University of Warwick & Oksen Lisovyi, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, followed by introduction of key tutors, organisers and participants

10.00 Introduction to case based learning, forming of case groupings and setting of the day’s task.

Group task for the day: Define and present your educational organisation.

  • What would your stakeholders expect from you (and who are the stakeholders)
  • What would be expected from you from the government and civil service?
  • What would your funders expect from you?
  • What is your remit (in and out of scope, founding members expectations)
  • Set out your vision and your 'elevator pitch'

11.00 Coffee break

11.30 Groups continue the day’s task with support from the leadership team, and prepare for formative assessment

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Lecture: Change theory and approaches. Prof Gwen van der Velden, former Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor for Education at Warwick, will go through key concepts and introduce various approaches to change management.

15.00 Tea break

15.30 Formative assessment: Present to the other participants your organisation, its vision and remit. Also present your organisation's priorities for Education in Ukraine for the next three years, with reference to change principles and concepts. You may vary these for pre- and post-victory if appropriate. Feedback will be provided by the programme organisers.

17.30 Closing the day – evaluation and feedback & arrangements for the external visit on Tuesday

Tuesday 30 January - Secondary Education Leadership Challenges

8.15 Leave for school visit: Lawrence Sheriff School, Rugby. This is a guided visit to a state funded secondary school.

13.00 Departure from Lawrence Sheriff School

14.00 Seminar on Educating Educators. Experts from the Centre for Teacher Education and the Educational Sciences department (tbc) To take place in the Warwick Business School, Teaching Centre, M1.

15.00 Tea Break

16.00 Guidance on the group assessment for the Friday. Participants will work in the evenings on their group assignment.

17.00 Close and Module 1 tutorials

Wednesday 31 January - Governance and External Partners

9.00 Introduction to the day (Library Teaching Grid)

9.15 Seminar on Educating displaced Learners. Dr Ahmad Akkad, expert on displaced academics, University of Oxford.

11.00 Coffee break

11.30 Group task for the day: Dealing with external influence and forward planning

Dr Chris Twine, Secretary to Council for the University of Warwick will co-lead the day task in an interactive manner. Chris will provide specific content on governance principles and structures as part of this session.

You receive new policy direction from the relevant ministry or regulator for your organisation, or your beneficiaries give you feedback that steers your organisation in a different direction. You need to decide on a process and principles for how you will deal with this challenge. Your first task is to consider the governance of your organisation, the voice of the partners or beneficiaries (schools, students, organisations) that you are responsible for and develop your future planning accordingly.

You will develop your planning taking into account the strategic direction you wish to take, the operational steps necessary to achieve that, the communication with stakeholders, funders, regulators or policy makers, as well as public communication and what approach you take to leading change (principles, theories of change). Most importantly, you will propose how the governance and organisation of your entity will work, keeping in mind the feedback or policy direction you have received.

Guidance will be available throughout the task session.

At 13.00 there will be a one hour break for lunch.

15.00 Tea break

15.30 Formative assessment: Present to the other participants your organisation’s governance structure, and the way your organisation will address the new policy or stakeholder demands. Feedback will be provided by the programme organisers and Dr Chris Twine.

17.30 Closing the day – evaluation and feedback

18.00 Informal social at Varsity Warwick

Thursday 1 February – Organisational and Staff Resilience

9.00 Library session: effective use of Library resources, referencing and academic integrity. This will be provided by a Subject Librarian or similar. To take place at the Library. The session will be split between the Teaching Grid and a computer room.

10.30 Coffee

11.00 Group task for the day: Staff Resilience

Leaders for this group task are Dr Liz Blagrove, Associate Professor, and Dr Luke Hodson, Assistant Professor, both from the Department of Psychology. They will provide content on staff resilience specifically.

You become aware of a crisis affecting your organisation (funding falling away, stakeholder concerns, destruction of your assets, accusations of corruption, cyber attack etc). You will need to take action to address the issue at hand, the fall out, the publicity and decide on the initial, medium term and longer term steps you take. In all this, you will need to ensure your organisation remains focused on the remit of your organisation. You will have to think about your internal communication also.

Crucially, you will also need to address staff resilience. In all of your considerations you need to think structurally: which functions do you need to have in place in your organisation to ensure resilience? What becomes part of your organisation’s way of functioning that supports staff resilience?

Formative assessment: present your organisation’s way of dealing with the challenge or crisis.

There will be a lunch break at 13.00 and tea break at 15.00.

15.30 Formative assessment: four of the groupings will present their proposed plans and governance. Other groups and individual professionals from within the cohort will provide feedback, as will the programme leaders.

17.30 Closing the day, evaluation and feedback

Friday 2 February – Influencing policy

9.00 WBS 2.007

9.00 Introduction to the assessments for this module:

- Annotated Bibliography (50%) of peer reviewed journal articles with relevance to your area of work or wider responsibilities

- Group assignment and presentation (50%)

9.30 Group task for the day: The national policy event

A national event will take place where your Director/ CEO/ Vice Chancellor/ Chair of Governing Board will meet with other sector leaders and is expected to negotiate with those colleagues in order to pitch for setting policy priorities and for consequent funding. The Minister of Education will be attending and chairing the meeting. He will bring a financial advisor and one or more expert advisors.

You will first have the morning with your fellow leaders to negotiate how you will approach the meeting, before meeting with the minister. This includes a proposal paper drawn up collectively by the group. The proposal should cover all of the following assessment criteria:

1. Apply principles of change management to your educational change plans

2. Present confident plans for the application of change within the Ukrainian context

3. Use your insights into staff resilience and crisis management in challenging situations

4. Evidence your understanding of governance structures and relationships

5. Present vision, strategy and evidence based planning of educational change projects, programmes or support efforts

6. Address stakeholder interests, concerns and needs in the context of educational change

Each team needs to ensure their leader is well prepared, has clear priorities and an accurate assessment of what their organisation can realistically deliver.

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Group assessments. Each group’s CEO/Director/ Chair will present to the Minister of Education who will be present for the afternoon. There will be a Tea break around 15.00.

16.30 Close of the day

17.00 Drinks reception followed by a Gala dinner at the Panorama Suite (Rootes building, second floor). Please note that there is no formal dress code, please join however you feel comfortable.

Follow up (learning sets) online programme (MS Teams and Moodle)

Please note that in order to achieve a University of Warwick Postgraduate Award, participants are required to participate in the online follow-up sessions and submit two assessments. Details of these will follow.

Programme details Module 1

Tuesday 29 August

Informal online personal introductions and introduction to the programmme. Precise details will provided to participants, along with an invitation to the online meeting.


Early arrivals: For those wishing to explore the Warwick campus, there is a Sculpture Trail which shows the beauty of the large campus as well as art works relevant to our community. There is also an Arts Centre which includes a permanent exhibitionLink opens in a new window space with varying expositions. Several coffee bars are present across campus, and by bus, Coventry is easily reachable with frequent busses being available (discounted to £1 with student ID). A shop can be found near the Arts Centre where any forgotten items may be bought as needed. For a fee, sports facilities are also available, including a swimming pool. A tour of Warwick Sport Link opens in a new windowfacilities will be available on Friday at 15.30.

Friday 8 September

15.00 onwards: Arrival, check in (Senate House before 22.00 and Community Safety Hub 22.00 onwards), informal introductions, registration and IT access arrangements.

15:30 Optional tour of Warwick Sports

16.30 Informal welcome and short guided tour of the programme locations (WBS 0.013 & Library Teaching Grid)

Reading and reflection tasks and self-study time ahead of the start of the Programme

Saturday 9 September

9.30 Summer School Opening

Programme founder and Director, Dr Bo Kelestyn (Associate Professor, Warwick Business School) will introduce the structure, aims and intentions of the programme. Some speakers from the following week will be introduced allowing for informal conversations and explorations to start.

11.00 Learning Sets: learning sets will be introduced, and some time for initial introductions and personal goal setting is provided. Learning sets are teams of participants who will work together during the programme, and especially when returning to Ukraine. Participants will be matched on interests and the type of education they are professionally engaged in. Regular online events will take place in October and November, to continue to engage learning sets in purposeful learning and networking. It is intended that the learning sets will become positive points of reference for transformational leaders for inspiration, encouragement, knowledge exchange and collaboration and benchmarking.

Participants will be invited to submit their preference for joining a learning set prior to arrival. This will be based on their context, expertise and current challenges:

    1. Leading student experience
    2. Leading inclusion
    3. Leading curriculum (re)design
    4. Leading student-staff partnerships and co-creation
    5. Leading for wellbeing in the curriculum
    6. Leading transformation in higher education
    7. Leading transformation in secondary education
    8. Leading micro level transformation
    9. Leading meso level transformation
    10. Leading macro level transformation
    11. Leading institutional change processes
    12. Leading for institutional resilience
    13. Leading post conflict education

12:00 onwards visit to Oxford arranged by the Ukrainian Leadership Academy

Saturday 9 September and Sunday 10 September

The scene setting from the Saturday morning will start your discussions within the learning sets or with other participants of choice. Participants will have been specifically invited to set personal and professional goals for your learning during the programme and this is a good time to consider these in more depth. Academic articles will also be provided for individual reading, relevant to the taught material. Participants will have (online and in person) Library access to support your reading.

Participants may wish to do their reading and thinking whilst also enjoying some free time. Warwick (the birthplace of Shakespeare) is within easy reach. A train to London or Oxford would take about an hour, whilst Birmingham has an enormous cultural offer closer by. Pleasant shopping can be found in Solihull and Leamington Spa. On Sunday 10 September at 14.00, the internationally renowned Vermeer collection (Dutch painter) is being shown on screen in the Arts Centre, should this be of interest.

A tour of Warwick Sport facilities will be available on Friday at 15:30.

Sunday 10 September

Visit to London arranged by the Ukrainian Leadership Academy

Monday 11 September – Context and key concepts

10.00 Formal opening of the programme by Prof Stuart Croft (Vice Chancellor and President, University of Warwick), Oksen Lisovyi, Minister of Education and Science (TBC), Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology Development - Minister of Digital Transformation and Programme Director, Dr Bo Kelestyn.

10:30 Leading Ukraine's’ Education Reform: Panel with Ukrainian participants details to be confirmed). This session will present an opportunity for context setting by the participants. Based on the recently published Education Reform Vision (Viziya), the panel will represent the diversity of leadership and challenges in the education sector. Moderated by Ivanna Kurtyk, Deputy CEO, Ukrainian Leadership Academy.

11:30 Coffee break

11:45 Interactive session: This guided session will focus on translating the vision for education reform into schools and institutions. Participants will be reflecting on what the challenges are and the resources available to them to make change happen. The findings will inform learning during the week, and the further development of the programme post summer school.

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Introduction to key concepts of reform, transformation and change in education. (Meso and macro)

The session sets out key concepts that will feature throughout the week, introduced through case studies, seeking to establish a deep and critical understanding of terminology, change phenomena and realistic expectations of outcomes and sustainability of change. Key concepts will include transformational change, co-creation, change ownership, credibility and prestige in Education and educational leadership.

This session will be provided by Professor Gwen van der Velden, (until recently Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (Education), University of Warwick), who has been responsible for educational change in a number of universities for 30 years and has worked on educational policy change nationally and internationally. Gwen is currently on sabbatical leave.

15.30 Tea break

16.00 Learning sets: guided discussions of the concepts and relating these to relevant academic articles. Learning points and requests for further insight will be recorded for the programme team to address as appropriate.

17.00: Close

Tuesday 12 September – Student experience, Inclusion and Student Wellbeing

9.30 Student experience. (Meso and Macro levels)

Scene setting of recent student experience developments in the United Kingdom. The changing nature of the student community will be addressed as well as consequent changes in demands on educational institutions. Quality assurance of the student experience, monitoring of student progress, continuation and completion against a background of greater national policy intervention will also be covered.

The speaker for this session is Adele Browne, Director of Student Experience at the University of Warwick. Adele has previous worked at other institutions where she has been a leading light on the student experience, with specific excellence in relation to inclusion and diversity, employability and transformational change of the student experience.

10.45 Coffee

11.00 Inclusion, Diversity and Co-creation. (Micro and Meso levels).

This session gives an insight into major changes on enabling success for all students admitted for study. Noting considerable differences in educational achievement for different groups of students, the UK sector has had an enduring focus on creating routes to success for all. Principles of inclusion, the avoidance of deficit models of support and approaches to create departmental ownership across a large and high achieving university are shared, with examples of successful interventions and changes.

A specific concept that will be set out is co-creation of education by students and staff in collaboration, and the advancement of inclusion this generates.

The session will be led by Professor Beccy Freeman, Dean of Students and member of the Education Executive at the University of Warwick. Beccy has ample national recognition for her leadership on student engagement and working partnership with various student communities. At Warwick she also leads on the implementation of the Inclusive Education Model, with outstanding results.

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Wellbeing in the Curriculum (Micro)

Recent turbulent times, the decline of the economy and a myriad of social changes have increased UK and international students’ needs for a greater focus on their wellbeing, as a necessary foundation for effective academic learning. Whilst many institutions and schools initially sought an increase in support tailored to students in need, increasingly positive psychology teaches us that designing education with wellbeing in mind creates higher levels of effectiveness and creates sustainable practices through the student experience. This session sets out the principles of teaching and curriculum development which supports wellbeing and will include examples of wellbeing practices within the learning context.

Dr Elena Riva is Head of the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning and leads a range of academic projects on academic wellbeing. Elena leads a national project for the UK Higher Education Regulator, the Office for Students and is working internationally with universities (including across the EU) on a myriad of related projects. She has been extensively recognised for both her research and teaching leadership across a number of years.

15.00 Tea break

15.30 Learning sets: guided discussions of the concepts and relating these to relevant academic articles. Learning points and requests for further insight will be recorded for the programme team to address as appropriate.

16.00 Interactive recap of the day

16.40 Details of the Wednesday afternoon arrangements

17.00 Close

17.30 Reading and reflection tasks and self-study time

Wednesday 13 September – Secondary Schools

9.30 Final details of the Wednesday afternoon arrangements

9.40 Introduction to UK sector for secondary schooling (11-18 years)

As in any country, provision in the secondary sector is complex. Whilst the curriculum and examination standards are set and inspected nationally, schools may be private or publicly funded, selective or comprehensive, overseen by local authorities, trusts, charities or private providers. This session gives a brief overview of the sector to provide some context to the schools to be visited later in the day.

Dr Andy Hind, Head of Secondary Education within the Centre for Teacher Education, University of Warwick will provide a brief introduction to the secondary school system in the UK.

10.00 Coffee break

10.15 Change and transformation in Secondary Schools (Meso and Macro)

This session will be a panel addressing some of the challenges in secondary schools in the UK sector and the transformational ways of addressing these. There will be much opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussion.

The panel members are:

  • Professor Kate Ireland, Head of the Centre for Teaching Education (CTE), University of Warwick
  • Teresa Mpofu, Headteacher of Lawrence Sherrif Academy in Rugby
  • Jonty Leese, Associate Professor in CTE and lead for Computer Science teacher education
  • Georgina Newton, Associate Professor in CTE and lead for Partnerships.
  • Dr Peter Kent, retired former Head Teacher, former President of the Association of School and College Leaders, President of the International Confederation of Principals, and member of the Ethical Leadership Commission.

13.00 Lunch

Afternoon: Secondary/primary school visit to Warwick School (private and the oldest school in the UK) for those interested. Participants who have indicated in advance that they are more aligned to Higher Education will be able to meet with colleagues relevant to them from the University of Warwick.

For those participants who will not be joining the school visit, and especially for participants working at or with the Ministry of Education, alternative sessions will be available allowing participants to meet with relevant colleagues from the University of Warwick.

Participants interested in the relationship and collaborations between the University and the industry, will be invited to join a tour of the Warwick Innovation District and Science Park, and meet some of the key innovation and commercialisation of research colleagues, led by David Plumb, Chief Innovation Officer.

17.30 Reading and reflection tasks and self-study time

18.30 Informal social mixer at Varsity (Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AJ)

Thursday 14 September – Transformational Change and Resilience

9.30 Sector-wide Educational Change (Macro)

This session will explore the ways in which countries internationally have made major changes to their education systems to illustrate the main leavers for realising change across an entire sector. It is intended that this session gives insight into the possible ways sector change may be initiated and what the outcomes and impact of policy, funding, legal and directional change may be.

The session will be led by Professor Gwen van der Velden (see above)

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 Institutional Change Processes and Leadership Challenges (Meso)

The session will cover key approaches to tackling and achieving organisational change –setting out the different approaches across Leadership, Process, culture and engagement. Some of the latest insights into organisational change will be shared with examples from Warwick and elsewhere.

The session will be led by Dave Bishton, Transformation Lead, Information and Digital Group, University of Warwick. Dave has an exceptional background in leading and delivering organisation-wide business change both within Education, in Governmental people related services (employment services and probation) and in the Arts. He is currently leading on the transformation of professional services at Warwick.

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Institutional Resilience – learning from experience (Meso with some Macro)

At times of challenge and crisis organisation require resilience in their structures and their people. During this session Dr Chris Twine gives an insight from extensive experience of institutional resilience building, as well as dealing with major incidents and national developments demanding sustained efforts under pressure. Areas of particular attention will be governance, infrastructure demands, reputation and communication management, crisis management and leadership.

Dr Chris Twine, Secretary to Council at the University of Warwick has ample experience across many universities of dealing with challenge, crises and reform. Earlier in his career as Academic Registrar, heading up all educational administration within universities, Chris has worked closely with academic leaders on resilience building and has ample experience of heading Major Incident teams. In his current role he supports the governing board of the university on much wider issues but continues to oversee various elements of resilience including risk management.

15.30 Tea Break

15.45 Personal Leadership – you, your resilience, resourcefulness, and leadership style

This session will be provided by Professor Gwen van der Velden, (until recently Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (Education), University of Warwick), who has been responsible for educational change in a number of universities for 30 years and has worked on educational policy change nationally and internationally. Gwen is currently on sabbatical leave.

The session will be interactive and participants are invited to work within their Learning Sets.

17.00 Close

18:00 Gala dinner

Friday 15 September – Leadership experience and planning the future

9.30 Post War Education Sector Development

Three academic leaders with experience of reforming education in various nations (internationally), will share their experience of the opportunities and challenges involved.

  • Professor Chris Ennew (Provost, University of Warwick)
  • Dr Claire Gordon (East European Studies, Head of LSE Teaching and Learning Centre, London School of Economics)
  • Professor Jon Scott (Former Pro Vice Chancellor Learning & Teaching, University of Leicester)

10.30 Coffee break – Learning Sets are encouraged to use this time to agree some questions to be asked from the panel

11.00 Panel questions and discussion

11.30 Discussion of selected cases from the participants (submitted and shared with the speakers and the cohort ahead of time)

12:15 Learning sets: first lessons and insights captured from the panel session. Own observations on where challenges are for participants’ own schools and institutions – informed by observations made by learning sets on Monday. Then moving onto reflections on the week, most important learning so far against earlier set personal and professional goals. Preparation of learning points and future learning needs for each learning set. In line with the principles of co-creation this make take the form of suggested themes and outcomes of study modules to be developed.

1.00 Lunch

14.00 Looking forward

This session will start with a brief introduction to the online learning Masters level module on Leading Educational Change and Improvement (Warwick Module code: EQ906) led by Dr Pontso Moorosi (Education Studies, Warwick). This is one of the modules you will be able to take as part of a full MA which will be introduced by Dr Jen Rowan-Lancaster (Centre for Teacher Education, Warwick)

14.30 Short presentations by one participant of each learning set (see above). The programme team will share their observations of what participants have identified as future learning needs.

17.00 Closing remarks by organisers

The programme team will provide further details on online learning available to participants of the Summer School in the following months, to which the Learning Sets will be asked to contribute.

Follow up (learning sets) online programme (MS Teams and Moodle)

Please note that in order to achieve a University of Warwick Postgraduate Award, participants are required to participate in the online follow-up sessions and submit two assessments.


Session 1: Introduction to assessment (w/c 25th September)

This session will cover the key aspects of the Postgraduate Award and its requirements. Participants will be briefed on assessment, deadlines, expectations, assessment and marking criteria. Participants will also be reminded of the key Moodle functionality that will support their learning and assessment.

Session 2: Ministry of Education Case Study (w/c 9th October)

A participant on the programme from the Ministry of Education and Science will present a case to be discussed and reflected on by the participants and learning sets.

Session 3: Guest Speaker (w/c 23rd October)

An academic leader with experience of reforming education will share their experience of the opportunities and challenges involved.

Session 4: University of Warwick Case Study (w/c 6th November)

A participant on the programme from the University of Warwick will present a case to be discussed and reflected on by the participants and learning sets.

Session 5: Assessment Drop In (w/c 20th November)

An optional and informal assessment drop-in with the Course Director.