Listening@Warwick - the podcasts

Creativity in adversity
Des (Centre for Teacher Education) and Ian (Centre for Lifelong Learning) find that creativity flourished during COVID.
About the podcasts
In 2021 a project funded by Warwick International Higher Education Academy created a virtual listening room.
These unscripted conversations between pairs of students and pairs of staff in the Social Science Faculty capture authentic experiences of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Katie and Walaa (postgraduate students studying TESOL) explore what makes online learning engaging, and what is missing from online encounters.
Katie and Walaa continue their conversation, discussing social aspects of learning and the limitations of online spaces.

Kate (Centre for Teacher Education) and Johannes (Warwick Foundation Studies) share how they made the transition from on campus learning to online learning.
What works
Kate and Johannes continue their conversation identifying some of the benefits of working online.

Harry (1st year Law student) and Geoff (PhD student Education Studies) discuss some of the upsides of learning online.
Harry and Geoff continue their conversation talking about the accessibility of online learning, some of the challenges it presents for international students.

New tricks
John (Centre for Lifelong Learning) and Caroline (Economics) discuss how COVD helped them do things differently.
John and Caroline continue their conversation by sharing what they learned from colleagues.

Work-life balance
Shree (final year Philosophy student) and Alezandra (final year PPE student) discuss the difficulties of finding work/life balance during the pandemic.
Set adrift
Shree and Alezandra continue their conversation and find short-comings in student support, exams, and a general feeling of being set adrift.

In this episode Stefania (Economics) and Katy (WBS) talk about how the pandemic changed assessment.
Stefania and Katy continue their conversation about exams, and think about what next online learning.
Tola (a first year student of Global Sustainable Development) and Success (a first year student of Politics and International Studies) talk about the challenges of building relationships during lockdown learning.
Group work
Tola and Success continue their conversation - talking about group work, assessment, and independent learning.Transcript

In this episode Lory (Economics) and Atisha (Economics) share their excitement, exhilaration and challenge that COVID brought to their teaching practice and the joy of collaboration.

Listening@Warwick student editors - reflections
In this episode Charlie, Grace, and Georgia reflect upon their experiences of learning during the pandemic and on on the project
Making listening@warwick
In our final episode staff members of the project team, Will (Centre for Teacher Education), Naomi (Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies), Jim (Academic Technology) and Jennie (Academic Development Centre) reflect upon their experiences of making the listening@warwick podcasts, and what they have learned about teaching, learning, and assessment during a global pandemic from listening to our contributors.