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WIHEA External Collaboration Fund

New to 2021/22, this small pilot fund (max £4k per project) is aimed at enabling the development of Staff and Student collaborations between two or more Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) to develop and share knowledge, experience and capabilities to address current challenges within the HE Sector.

We are looking for innovative ideas and outputs which have the potential to positively impact Higher Education. Successful proposals are likely to offer, for example, online resources, events or engagement activities, case studies of successful practices, and/or make a contribution to existing literature. Please note this is not an exhaustive list.

This funding is mainly to pay for student’s time and general project costs and will be made available to collaborative partners at the start of the project, as the employment of Students’ must be arranged directly by the HEI at which they are studying.

We invite project proposals in the following priority areas:

  • Inclusive education
  • Blended learning and assessment
  • Sustainability in Education
  • Student and Staff Wellbeing

Whilst projects focusing on these priorities are preferred, we are open to considering proposals relating to other emerging priority areas.

To be considered for funding, please submit your project proposal using this online proposal formLink opens in a new window

by mid-day, Wednesday, 8 December 2021.

Eligibility & Assessment Criteria:

  • The Project Lead must be a WIHEA Staff FellowLink opens in a new window for a proposal to be considered.
  • The Main Co-lead may be WIHEA Student or Staff Fellow/Alumni or Staff Member from Warwick or another HEI. (Staff must have the support from their Head of School or Department and Students the support of their Personal Tutor or equivalent).
  • The collaboration must include members of staff and students from the University of Warwick and Staff and Students from a minimum of one other Higher Education Institution. (Staff must have the support from their Head of School or Department and Students the support of their Personal Tutor or equivalent)
  • Student participation from each collaborative institution is expected to ensure that staff and student perceptions and interests are understood and aligned.

Proposals will be assessed by the WIHEA Advisory Group, for full eligibility and project criteria on which the proposal will be assessed, please refer to 'Funding Guidance NotesLink opens in a new window'.

If you would like to receive feedback on a proposal idea to establish whether it fits with the priorities above or discuss an alternative theme, or for help with making a connection or further information on this collaborative fund, please email 

Funding Timeline:

Closing date: 12:00, 8 Dec 21

Assessed: 8-15 Dec 21

Outcomes by: 17 Dec 21

Earliest start date: Jan 22

Projects should be approximately 6 months duration.

(University of Warwick internal funding to be spent by 31 Jul 22)

Making Connections:

WIHEA Fellows can explore their own networks and independently approach colleagues from other institutions.

If you are not a WIHEA Fellow but you have a project idea, you are invited to approach any of our current WIHEA FellowsLink opens in a new window with an outline of your collaborative project.

Should you need help to connect with WIHEA Fellows please email