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Copy of Information for Current Students

Information for current students

Moodle Resources

IATL uses MoodleLink opens in a new window to communicate with students on its modules. Moodle provides you with all of the necessary information you will need about your module, such as course structure, assignment due dates and reading lists. You can connect with fellow students and your module convenor on the platform as well.

Tools To Support your IATL Journey

Submitting your Assessment

Tabula is used for as IATL's module assessment submission platform.

Wellbeing and Wellbeing Support

Support for Research-infused CurriculumLink opens in a new window and further opportunities for involvement with IATL

Inspired by your learning journey and want to take it further?

Find out how you can become involved in IATL projects beyond your moduleLink opens in a new window. IATL offers students funding Link opens in a new windowto develop their own projects, opportunities to disseminate their own research and take co-created not for credit modules.Link opens in a new window

Contact us

For all enquiries relating to your IATL module, email