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IATL Module Fair : Wednesday 24th April 12:30 - 14:30

The Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) offer an innovative portfolio of interdisciplinary modules for UG and PG students. Find out more at IAT's Module Fair - Wednesday 24th April 12:30 - 14:30 in the FAB Agora (Ground Floor).

Wed 10 Apr 2024, 09:47 | Tags: IATL events, IATL news, Warwick news

Illuminating staff wellbeing

Illuminations is a WIHEA funded project, building on the work of the Wellbeing Pedagogies Learning Circle and engagement with the Warwick Wellbeing Strategy. Our primary interest at this stage is to explore different ways of talking and thinking about workplace wellbeing with different stakeholder groups across the university. The aim is to help locating and illuminating ways in which institutional work practices, processes, and procedures, in a post Covid-19 landscape, enhance and/or inhibit the wellbeing of student-facing staff at Warwick. Have you got something to say about workplace wellbeing? Got 10mins to spare? Help us find the words to tell your story using our anonymous submission form.

Thu 14 Oct 2021, 16:45 | Tags: IATL news, Warwick news

Student Innovation at Warwick new IATL Podcast

Student Innovation at Warwick is a new podcast series on how Warwick's departments embrace innovation. In episode 8, Dr Elena Riva talks about wellbeing, why it is important in student lives and she discuss the work of the students of her module "Understanding Wellbeing".

Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence

We are delighted to share the news that Dr Elena Riva, IATL Director of Studies and Associate Professor, has won the Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence as well as IATL Associate Tutor Dr Bo Kelestyn (Chemistry)

Tue 21 Jul 2020, 18:27 | Tags: IATL news, Warwick news

5th Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Conference hosted by IATL

The 5th Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Conference will take place on the 2nd of April 2020 at the University of Warwick. It will explore a variety of issues in the theme of 'Interdisciplinarity: Learning from Each Other'.

This year’s conference theme asks participants to consider the elements of collaboration, co-construction of knowledge and practice that underpin the interdisciplinary teaching and learning experiences of students and teachers.

Read more about it and submit your abstract here.

Mon 14 Oct 2019, 09:39 | Tags: IATL news, IATL projects, Warwick events, Warwick news

Interdisciplinary Events During Warwick Welcome Week 2019

Funded by WIHEA, Dr Elena Riva together with Dr Rebecca Freeman and a group of Undergraduate and Postgraduate students have embedded interdisciplinary opportunities for students during Welcome Week 2019.

Mon 07 Oct 2019, 16:54 | Tags: Warwick events, Warwick news

Feminist Dissent: Theory, Practice and Resistance- Wed 5th December

 Protesting Picture

Racism, feminism and the politics of fundamentalism in Britain is the first of two interdisciplinary pilot webinars that draws its inspiration from the Warwick-based online peer-reviewed journal called Feminist Dissent. Pragna Patel of Southall Black Sisters will lead the seminar which is open to all University of Warwick students.

Click here to register and to find out more

Mon 29 Oct 2018, 15:28 | Tags: IATL projects, Warwick events, Warwick news

Warwick student wins Posters in Parliament

Two Warwick students, Mike Hopper and James Blake, were selected to attend Posters in Parliament on 20 February 2018. The calibre of research on display by undergraduates from around the UK was exceptional and we are pleased to announce that James was selected by the panel of judges as the overall winner for his poster ‘Modelling panspermia in the TRAPPIST-1 system’.

Mon 05 Mar 2018, 15:11 | Tags: IATL news, Warwick news

Launch of student research webpages funded by WIHEA

Colleagues from IATL, Student Careers and Skills and the Law School recently received WIHEA funding to bring together information about student research opportunities around the University. An institutional review was conducted and a student research hub on MyWarwick was created. The hub covers what research is, the benefits of getting involved, the opportunities available, and will soon be linked to opportunities within departments.

Fri 08 Dec 2017, 14:27 | Tags: IATL news, Warwick news

Artworks in The Oculus

The works from the University of Warwick Art Collection chosen for installation in The Oculus are intended to enhance its multi-disciplinary environment and act as informal provocations for ideas. Staff and students, including IATL’s Director, Dr Nicholas Monk, were invited to contribute labels to accompany the works of art to open up their areas of enquiry to the users of the building. Follow the link for the full briefing document from Sarah Shalgosky, Curator.

Wed 01 Feb 2017, 12:49 | Tags: IATL news, Warwick news

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