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Prof Chris Schofield

Prof. Christopher Schofield FRS

Ineos Oxford Institute for Antimicrobial Research

13:00 - 14:00,
Wed, 31 May, 2023


Prof. Schofield joins us to deliver the Warwick Chemical Biology lecture.

This is a departmental lecture for all students and staff. Please come along. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be provided from 12:45 on the Science Concourse.

"Metallo-enzymes - from mechanisms to medicines"

The lecture will describe studies on the mechanisms and biological functions of oxygenases and other metallo-enzymes, aiming to illustrate how basic science interest can help enable applications in medicine. One focus will be on links between bacterial enzymes involved in antibiotic resistance / biosynthesis and human enzymes involved in DNA damage repair / hypoxia sensing.


Chris Schofield studied for a degree in chemistry at the University of Manchester (1979-1982). In 1982 he moved to Oxford for DPhil studies with Jack Baldwin on the synthesis and biosynthesis of antibiotics. In 1985 he became a Departmental Demonstrator in the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, and in 1990 Lecturer in Chemistry and Fellow of Hertford College. In 1998 he became Professor of Chemistry; from 2011-2021 he was Head of Organic Chemistry at Oxford. He is presently Director of Chemistry at the Ineos Oxford Institute for Antimicrobial Research (IOI). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society. His research group works at the interface of chemistry, biology and medicine. His work has opened up new fields in antibiotic research, oxygen sensing and gene regulation in organisms ranging from bacteria to plants and animals; it has helped enable discovery of new medicines.