Who we are

Gabriele Sosso
Gabriele is a computational Physical Chemist, especially keen to talk to people about water & ice. Check out some of his recent Outreach activities on his websiteLink opens in a new window.

Sam Trouton
Sam is a teaching fellow, often found guiding students through physical and analytical chemistry experiments within the teaching labs. He is particularly interested in game-based learning and promoting student engagement.

Amanda Bishop
Amada is the Widening Participation Co-ordinator for the entire Science, Engineering and Medicine Faculty. Contact her at Outreach@warwick.ac.uk
Munro Passmore
Munro is a PhD student whose project focusses on exploiting protein-protein interactions in biosynthetic systems. He is also a whizz at rustling up creative content for the Outreach team.

Scott Habershon
When Scott isn't developing and applying new computational methods to model chemical dynamics in complex systems, he's our Marketing, Admissions and Outreach Chair and Deputy Head of Department for Chemistry.

Alex Baker
Alex is synthetic chemist who specialises in medical diagnostic and cryopreservation. He is also a founding fellow of the Warwick Institute of EngagementLink opens in a new window. Check out Alex's recent engagement activities on his websiteLink opens in a new window.
Emily Williams
Emily is a Master's student, currently doing research in synthetic organic chemistry. She is a member of Warwick ChemSoc and is interested in engaging young people with science.

Jo Russell
Jo looks after our Undergraduate Programmes and supports the Outreach team by volunteering her project management skills.

Dani Pearson
Dani is an award-winning teaching-focused assistant professor who's passionate about Widening Participation and outreach, as well as championing wellbeing and diversity in the Chemistry community.

Adam Alcock
Adam works as part of the Chemistry Student Experience Team, working on all things related to community and student voice. You can discover more about our current student programme of events hereLink opens in a new window!

Thomas Ritchie
Tom is an Assistant Professor and Director of Student Voice in Chemistry. He is especially keen to discuss widening participation, awarding gaps and social inclusion.

Elise Bennett
Elise is a Research Administrative Officer. She promotes Chemistry research at Warwick including Public Engagement and Outreach aspects.