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Tue 11 Feb, '25
Advanced Crystallisation Techniques for Small Molecules - Dr Alexandra Longcake of the UK National Crystallography Service, Newcastle University

Recent breakthroughs in nanoscale crystallisation techniques have facilitated large areas of crystallisation space to be sampled in a highly parallelised manner. Encapsulated nanodroplet crystallisation (ENaCt), a technique pioneered at Newcastle University, allows for the systematic screening of a large array of crystallisation conditions on the nanolitre scale. ENaCt has been used to crystallise sample limited compounds that were challenging to crystallise by classical crystallisation methods (such as natural products) and has also been used to conduct polymorph screens, leading to the discovery of new polymorphs of ROY, as well as new nifedipine and nimodipine solvates.

Wed 26 Feb, '25
"Single or double? A radical approach to frustrated Lewis pairs", Prof Rebecca Melen, Cardiff University

Prof Melen joins us to deliver this departmental seminar. All staff and students are welcome. Refreshments will be served outside L5 from 12:45.

Tue 11 Mar, '25
Dr Maxie Roessler, Imperial College London, RSC Prize Lecture

Join us for this RSC Prize Lecture by Dr Maxie Roessler

Dr Roessler won the 2024 Analytical Science Early Career Prize (Joseph Black Prize)Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window for the development of advanced electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to investigate, structurally define and exploit catalysis by chemical and biological systems.

Refreshments will be available from 12:45 outside L5.

Thu 20 Mar, '25
“Molecular Wires and Nanorings Based on Porphyrins - Synthesis and Charge Transport”, Prof Harry Anderson, University of Oxford
IMC 0.02 Auditorium, WMG

Prof Anderson won the RSC 2024 Organic Chemistry Open Prize (Pedlar Prize) for work on the synthesis and investigation of pi-conjugated macrocycles and new carbon allotropes. He joins us to deliver his RSC prize winner lecture.

Thu 27 Mar, '25
WISBIC Opening Symposium
IBRB, Gibbet Hill

We are delighted to announce the establishment of the Warwick Integrated Structural Biology Centre (WISBIC) opens in a new window. To celebrate we will be holding an Opening Symposium on Thursday March 27th to showcase structural biology research from across the region
